GreenPort Congress Oceania is pleased to have the support of these key industry associations for the inaugural 2023 event.
Ports Australia is the national peak body representing government and privately owned ports. Formed at the first interstate harbour conference in 1916, Ports Australia has provided advocacy, coordination and leadership for over 100 years to sustain the port communities while fostering economic, innovative and sustainable growth. Port authorities and corporations together with the Department of Defence form part of their membership, along with various support service companies to the Port sector.
PIANC Australia & New Zealand National Section. PIANC – the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure is the forum where professionals around the world join forces to provide expert guidance on cost-effective, reliable and sustainable infrastructure to facilitate waterborne transport. Established in 1885, PIANC continues to be the leading partner for government and the private sector in the design, development and maintenance of ports, waterways and coastal areas. PIANC A&NZ is one of the largest of the 28 recognised National Sections within PIANC. It has a growing membership of over 100 individual members and 80 corporate members.
Members of both Ports Australia & PIANC A&NZ will be granted a special 20% discount on delegates places in order to take advantage of opportunities to learn from key industry speakers as well as chances to network during refreshments, lunch breaks, welcome Reception and gala Dinner.