Hosted by Port of Newcastle the inaugural GreenPort Congress Oceania is due to take in Newcastle, Australia at the Newcastle Exhibition & Convention Centre, (NEX)

Newcastle is a historic city undergoing urban revitalisation and the city snakes around the coastline with the golden beaches just walking distance from many of the city’s attractions. As the first host port of GreenPort Congress Oceania Port of Newcastle is committed to driving the principles of sustainability throughout its operations, internal culture and the way it engages with customers and communities, diversifying its trade into areas such as hydrogen.

NEX is Newcastle’s most exceptional entertainment and conference venue and its proximity to all the action of nearby beaches, cafes, restaurants and the foreshore makes it perfectly located for GreenPort Congress Oceania.

You can expect to learn from industry experts and decision-makers inside the conference room, while also networking and building connections during breaks or during the conference drinks reception on the evening before day 1 and dinner after conference day 1.

To book your place, visit our website or alternatively, please call our team on +44 1329 825335 or email