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For more than 30 years, our Cruise & Ferry-branded publications have provided an unparalleled insight into passenger shipping successes, business issues and innovation – directly from the senior executives that individually and collectively shape this dynamic industry.

Our content covers both the cruise and ferry sectors, and provides our audience with insight into building and refurbishment, marine operations, onboard experience, interior design, ports and destinations, itinerary planning, and more.

Cruise & Ferry Review is the flagship publication in the Cruise & Ferry media brand, published bi-annually in March and September since 1992. The magazine is supported by two annual sector-specific publications, Cruise & Ferry Interiors and Cruise & Ferry Itinerary Planning, a monthly newsletter and social media pages. The brand has its online home at, providing daily news and insights as well as free access to digital editions of all the printed publications.

Cruise & Ferry is the definitive resource for news and insights into passenger shipping and through the pages of our magazines, and via our digital channels, we provide an unparalleled perspective on the successes and challenges faced by this vibrant industry. We are proud to partner with industry expert organisations, including: Cruise Lines International Association, Caribbean Tourism Organization, Expedition Cruise Network, Interferry, IFI, United Nations Global Compact, World Ocean Council and World Tourism Cities Federation.

Editor: Rebecca Gibson
Executive editor: Jon Ingleton
Circulation: Sophia Brinkley
Publisher: Toby Ingleton