Coastlink is a neutral pan-European network dedicated to the promotion of short sea feeder shipping and the intermodal transport networks through the ports that support the sector.
Day One - Tuesday 29th April |
08:30 |
Coffee & Registration |
09:00 |
Chairman’s Welcome Nick Lambert, Co-Founder and Director, NLA International Ltd |
09:10 |
Port Welcome AddressRicardo Barkala, President, Port of Bilbao |
SESSION ONE: THE RENAISSANCE OF SHORT SEA SHIPPING Supporting sector growth and the impact on ports. |
09:25 |
Short-sea Shipping; The Time for Action is Now Explores how the critical window for expanding short-sea shipping is here but why this opportunity may never happen. Stephen Carr, Group Commercial Director, Peel Ports Group |
09:40 |
Speaker to be confirmed |
09:55 |
The Renaissance of Short Sea Shipping Geopolitical blocks are forming more clearly. Knowing your trading partner and production process becomes increasingly important also in light of the new CSRD and carbon adjustment mechanisms. A new era of tariffs seems to be approaching. All drivers impacting trade and propelling the short sea shipping sector. Strategic independence and short supply chains are traded off versus longer global supply chain with some cost savings. Where is this heading and what to look out for? Johan-Paul Verschuure, Director, Rebel Ports & Logistics |
10:10 |
Elena Seco, President, Spanish Short Sea Promotion Center |
10:25 |
Q&A |
10:40 |
Coffee & Networking
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