In response to the increased costs brought about by the EU ETS, shipowners have started to adopt new strategies to mitigate financial impact.

Panel - ETS Carbon Levy

To discuss the impact on EU ports and short sea shipping lines, Coastlink are bringing together a panel of experts moderated by Senior Policy Manager at Logistics UK, Alexandra Herdman.

Johan-Paul Verschuure, of Rebel Ports and Logistics, has particular experience in Northwest Europe and the UK. His recent work in the shortsea domain includes the shortsea strategy for the Port of Amsterdam, market studies for Zeebrugge, Brexit impact study for ABP and shortsea fleet analysis for North Sea operators.

Richard Ballantyne has been the Chief Executive of the British Ports Association since 2016, and has in-depth expertise in ports, transport, trade and environmental policy matters as well as a wide experience of legislative processes around the UK. He is a champion of sustainable development and a passionate advocate of the value of the UK ports industry.

Katrina Ross is Policy Director, Commercial and Governance at the UK Chamber of Shipping, with responsibilities including tax and economics, international trade, commercial shipping policy and green and sustainable finance. She works closely with the UK Chamber’s Environment team on policy relating to GHG/carbon pricing and sustainability reporting.

Nils Minor is responsible for the key account management within P&O Ferrymasters, a joint venture between unifeeder and P&O. The result is a multinational transportation engine delivering cost efficiencies, broad geographic reach and guaranteed access to capacity on key maritime routes.

Join us at Coastlink, 29-30th April, Bilbao to hear more!

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