World News – Page 492

  • News

    Cosco to invest in Tianjin


    During the past year, 1,100 new longshoremen were hired, increasing employment for an industry that already supports 228,000 jobs in the region.Cosco Pacific, the Hong Kong-based subsidiary of China's largest shipping line, has signed a memorandum of understanding to take a 50% stake in the construction of six new berths ...

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    Hong Kong needs CT 10


    During the past year, 1,100 new longshoremen were hired, increasing employment for an industry that already supports 228,000 jobs in the region.Hong Kong needs to build Container Terminal 10 after Kwai Chung's CT9 has come fully on stream by 2005, to raise its long term competitiveness, the head of the ...

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    Busan back on track


    The South Korean port of Busan expects to be back to its previous operational state by April following repair to major damage inflicted by Typhoon Maemi last September. Eleven quayside gantry cranes had to be withdrawn for repair with two already back in operation by the end of 2003. All ...

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    Thamesport resurfaces


    Thamesport (TMP) has resurfaced its 27,000 sq metre North Park with 70mm of DBM binder course, which was then finished with a 35mm layer of stone mastic asphalt surface course. The North Park is now able to provide an empty storage capacity of 3,270 TEUs.

  • Hamburg growing faster than the rest

    Hamburg threat to Rotterdam


    Hamburg passed the six million TEU container barrier last year, prompting port sources to say that if strong, above-average growth continued in the premier German port, it could soon be knocking at Rotterdam''s door as far as box handling is concerned.

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    Japanese promote efficiency


    The Japanese Transport Ministry is to introduce three pilot projects aimed at streamlining container handling. Five ports are under consideration as being suitable locations for the trials, these being Tokyo-Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka-Kobe, Kita-Kyushu and Fukuoka.

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    Beirut seeks terminal operator


    Beirut port authority was due to issue a tender seeking an operator for its new container terminal. The document which has been prepared by US consultants the Cornell Group, envisages a 10-year concession including an option for a further five years. $3m of investment will be mandatory as will a ...

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    Auction in Genoa


    At present, container terminals at these ports are divided into completely separate berth operations, often managed by totally distinct stevedoring outfits employing a bewildering variety of loading and handling systems. As part of the new scheme, all these operations will be integrated with the aim of driving down costs by ...

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    New Mooring terminal to go ahead


    The government of Bangladesh has ratified a contract awarded to China Harbour for the construction of the New Mooring container terminal at the port of Chittagong at a cost oUS$134m. Once built, the one million TEU/year facility will have a private operator appointed.

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    ATM steals from TMB


    Bilbao''s ATM container terminal has stolen another client from rival port stevedore TMB.

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    Montreal beats New York


    At present, container terminals at these ports are divided into completely separate berth operations, often managed by totally distinct stevedoring outfits employing a bewildering variety of loading and handling systems. As part of the new scheme, all these operations will be integrated with the aim of driving down costs by ...

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    Trinidad swithers


    Although there is still no decision on whom to entrust with the terminal operations contract, Port of Spain has decided to expand its box facilities to 500,000 TEU capacity.

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    Gwadar project could help or hinder regional stability


    According to governmentissued projections, the Pakistan-China joint venture to build a $248m deep-sea port at Gwadar will be completed by March 2005.

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    Indonesia cracks down on monopolies


    Hutchison and stateowned Pelindo II controlled Jakarta Container Port may be forced by the Indonesian anti-monopoly agency to terminate its operations on competition grounds.

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    Oil seed mill for Bilbao


    Islamabad is very keen to present Gwadar as the gateway for trade to and from the Central Asian states.Moyresa, part of the multinational Bunge Group, has asked Bilbao Port Authority for permission to build an oil seed mill and refinery on a vacant plot in the Punta Sollana area of ...

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    Itaqui upgrades


    The Brazilian port of Itaqui is to receive investment totalling $68m over the next four year to fund upgrading and expansion work. $61m will come from the Federal Government and $6.82m from the state. Transport minister Anderson Aduato noted that although Brazil has some 30 ports only about five or ...

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    Algeciras' largest contract


    At present Itaqui has six operational berths of which one is leased by CVRD, and a seventh is currently inactive.A consortium consisting of Dragados, Sato and Drace has 32 months to implement a €100m infrastructure expansion project at Algeciras, which is the largest contract it has ever placed. The port ...

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    Kuwait revamps ports to chase Iraqi traffic


    Kuwait Ports Authority (KPA) is to invest $100m in upgrading capacity at its three container terminals in the ports of Shuwaikh, Shuaiba and Doha in order to cope with an expected upsurge of 45% in demand to and from Iraq following the recent regime change there.

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    Privatisation a must in Peru


    Calls have been made in Peru for the immediate privatisation of the ports of Paita and Callao, the latter being the main gateway for the capital, Lima. Both require investment totalling $300m which local pundits believe is beyond the capability of any state-run agency. However, others are opposed to the ...

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    Paradip to build berths


    Paradip port trust has invited expressions of interest for the construction of two new berths which will be taken forward on a BOT basis.