World News – Page 407

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    Eight berths shut down at Karachi


    Closed Karachi berths deemed unsafeBerths 10 and 4, which were both more than 40 years old, collapsed during heavy rain in August, prompting the Port Trust to close six others of similar vintage.Karachi had a total of 27 berths and three oil piers, but will now have to work hard ...

  • Haifa Port

    Historic first for Israel privatisation


    Haifa will benefit from Israel's first privately-owned portThe permit - the first of its kind in Israel - was granted by the Finance and Transport ministries. However, as part of the terms and conditions of the permit, Israel Shipyards is only allowed to handle 5% of all Israeli imports. But ...

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    Bids called for third Algeciras box terminal


    Interested parties have until December 21 to enter bids for a concession to build and operate a third container terminal at the Spanish port of Algeciras.

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    Barcelona Port blazes investment trail


    They have put together a special-purpose vehicle, Catalana de Infraestructuras Portuarias, in which the port authority will hold a 49% stake and the private sector partner 51%. Having acquired the Mepsa concession on the Inflammables Quay, the company plans to build additional infrastructure in the short term.

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    Malmö brings new berth online


    Copenhagen''s Malmö Port (CMP) has inaugurated a new pier to meet rising export demands at the Danish port.

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    APM Terminals washes hands of Colonet


    APM Terminals has abandoned plans to build a container terminal at the proposed Punta Colonet Port in Mexico blaming the extremely high investment demands of the project.

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    Nelson Port predicts dip


    A slightly reduced dividend is being predicted by Port Nelson over the next few years, primarily as a result of the loss earlier this year of the Maersk Line Asian service call.

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    UK ports review puts trust in operators


    The UK Ports Policy Review interim report has concluded that a market-oriented approach to port development remains appropriate and that there would “ in general” be no additional benefit from a locally or regionally determinative ports policy. 

  • Making use of London's waterways could become more common

    Thames power trial for Sainsbury's supplies


    UK supermarket Sainbury’ s has hailed a success a trial using the London artery of the River Thames to supply its daily product. 

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    Government committee lambastes Lisbon PA


    The Portuguese government' s audit committee (Tribunal de Contas) has declared that the Port of Lisbon Authority (APL) is losing millions of euros annually because of the way it allocates concession contracts, many of which are questionably profitable. The worst contracts are those offered to multipurpose terminals, says the committee.

  • Traffic is shunning Vigo and heading to other ports

    Congestion at Vigo causing traffic loss


    Vigo is progressively losing competitiveness in the container market because of problems associated with a lack of space and the restricted operations at its frontier inspection post. 

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    Cargotec CVS Ferrari purchase hits a wall


    German competition authorities are demanding “ disproportionate remedy actions” to a deal sealed late last year to bring CVS Ferrari into the Cargotec fold, according to Cargotec. 

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    Tartous takes delivery of ground-breaking handlers


    Crane manufacturer Liebherr-Werk Nenzing has delivered two new mobile cranes to ICTSI’ s Tartous International Container Terminal. 

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    A consortium of Mitsui OSK Lines, APL, Hyundai Merchant Marine, CMA CGM, and DP World is to jointly establish a terminal operation company “ Rotterdam World Gateway” under a 25-year lease contract with the port of Rotterdam.

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    Yilport Container Terminal, located at the Turkish port of Izmir, has placed an order for 21 terminal tractors with Kalmar. Delivery will commence from October 2007. Another option for a further 30 tractors to be delivered over the next three years has also been included in the contract.

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    DP World’ s Southampton Container Terminals has secured 10.5 acres of additional Associated British Ports-leased land currently used for ro-ro operations, in addition to the 13 acres taken at the start of the year.

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    UK kick starts 'motorway' finance


    The UK Department for Transport (DoT) has invited ports with sea-related infrastructure projects in the North Sea region to bid for financing funds under the European Union’ s (EU) plan to establish “ Motorways of the Sea” . 

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    Duisburg box terminal takers


    CMA CGM and NYK are to operate a new container terminal at the German River port of Duisburg in partnership with management company Duisport. 

  • Terminal aims to handle 720,000 teu by 2010

    Vado Ligure secures APM investment


    APM Terminals is to invest € 150m ($205m) in a new container terminal at the Italian port of Vado Ligure. 

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    Cyprus embraces ship management system


    The Republic of Cyprus has contracted Transas for the supply of a vessel traffic management and information system (VTMIS) to improve maritime safety and pollution prevention, and to restrict illegal activities.