World News – Page 344

  • News

    Tacoma triumphs over TWIC


    The US Port of Tacoma has reported a pain-free roll-out of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential card at its terminals and facilities.

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    Asciano's "insane" debt levels


    The former chief executive of Australian stevedore Patrick, Chris Corrigan, has described the level of debt carried by the stevedore''s new owner, Asciano, as "insane" at the time of the takeover.

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    Dock workers in Spain face bleak future


    Port workers in Spain are feeling the heat of the global downturn with at least four major ports discussing docker redundancies.

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    Evergreen out of Kaohsiung


    A report that claims the Evergreen Shipping Group is to pull out of Kaohsiung has been strongly denied by the company.

  • Napier

    Napier port sale denied


    Hawke's Bay Regional Council has moved to quash speculation it has imminent plans for a sell-down of the Port of Napier. 

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    Shanghai pulls out of Zeebrugge deal


    Shanghai International Port Group is not now to go ahead with the purchase of a 40% stake in APM Terminals Zeebrugge. The decision was made because of the global economic downturn.

  • Port Strategy: Hutchison has abandoned its Manta hub dream

    Manta seeks strategic partner


    Following the pull out of Hutchison Port Holdings, Manta Port Authority in Ecuador is seeking a new strategic partner to build and operate an international terminal in the port. If none is found, the project could go-ahead with state backing.

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    Venezuelan port privatised


    Venezuela has passed a law effectively transferring control of national ports from provincial to central government control. Guamache, Cabello and Maracaibo will be administered by the newly created Empresa Bolivariana de Puertos.

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    Shanghai and Ningbo in merger talks


    The Chinese ports of Shanghai and Ningbo are reported to be in negotiations on a possible merger sometime in the near future.

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    La Unión port standing idle


    The El Salvador port of La Unión is now completed, but continues without an operator, effectively costing $1m a month in maintenance and energy costs. The problem lies at the heart of government where no agreement can be made on the exact conditions to be attached to the eventual concession ...

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    No holding back on Brazilian port investment


    Brazil''s Special Secretariat for Ports has guaranteed that, despite the world financial crisis, investment to upgrade and expand both public and private ports will not suffer short-term cuts.

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    Two Tianjin terminals merge


    Tianjin Port Development (TPD) has acquired 56.81% of rival Tianjin Port Holdings, which also manages the Chinese Port. TPD is to issue new shares to finance the $1.4bn transaction.

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    Antwerp decline 'not unexpected'


    Belgium''s Antwerp port has seen the total volume of goods handled in the first quarter of 2009 slump 19% on the same period last year, falling from 46.2m tonnes to 37.3m tonnes.

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    Tacoma recognises cleaner customers


    The Port of Tacoma Commission has recently applauded the take up of a collaborative program to reduce emissions from trucks that serve the port - which includes putting together a list of trucking companies that meet the modern emission standards and helping those that don''t, along with other efficiency strategies.

  • Port Strategy: Could the Mexican mega-project have fallen victim to the financial meltdown?

    Punta Colonet document delay


    No tender documents or bidding rules for the new Punta Colonet port in Mexico are now expected to be issued until early next year.

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    APM Terminals blows hot and cold at Tanger-Med


    APM Terminals has written to Tanger-Med Special Agency announcing its intention to reschedule investment in Tanger-Med II.

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    DP World remains profitable


    DP World reported profits in 2008 of $621m, an increase of 48%. Revenue went up 20% to $3.23bn, while throughput rose 15% to 27.7m teu. Cash generated by operations rose 12% to $1.06bn.

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    Shippers' council takes lead on 'big ships'


    Recommendations on how the next generation of international vessels should best be accommodated in New Zealand will soon be delivered by the New Zealand Shippers'' Council.

  • Port Strategy: some services have switched from TCB

    TCB loses ZIM and Evergreen to rivals


    Barcelona Container Terminal (TCB) has reportedly lost about 20% of its total traffic due to defections to other terminals.

  • Port Strategy: port authority withdraws concession

    Salonika kills concession concept


    Salonika Port Authority has officially confirmed its decision to cancel the international tender to find a concessionaire for its container terminal.