World News – Page 332

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    Valencia now largest Mediterranean box port


    The Spanish port of Valencia is now the fifth largest in Europe in terms of containers.

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    NZL claim heads to court


    Port of Tauranga has lodged declaratory judgement proceedings in the New Zealand High Court in an attempt to resolve the terminal dispute with NZL Group.

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    Gulf investment becomes unsure


    Declining oil revenues and the current economic downturn could put at risk $40bn of investment planned in ports and terminals across the Gulf region.

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    Attempts being made to halt LLX development


    The Federal Public Ministry in Campos dos Goytacazes has put forward a legal injunction to prevent LLX from continuing with construction of a port complex at Aç u on the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro state.

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    Indonesian ports court private investment


    Indonesian state port operator, Pelindo I, has signed partnership agreements with 11 private-sector companies to develop logistics and ports business in the west of the country worth $500m over the next five years.

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    Sea motorway services to connect Spain and Italy


    The Transport Ministers of Italy and Spain have signed an agreement to develop sea motorway services between the two countries.

  • Port Strategy: DP World claims that growth is still being considered despite stalled expansion plans in Dubai

    No real change at DP World


    It''s ''business as usual'' at port conglomerate DP World despite declining volumes on the back of the financial crisis, in contrast to the euphoric years of 2007 and 2008.

  • Port Strategy: BBI is set to offload Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal to stem losses



    Troubled Australian ports investor Babcock & Brown Infrastructure (BBI) has revealed it has entered into an interim agreement with a potential cornerstone investor about a recapitalisation plan.

  • Port Strategy: Brazilian move has shocked terminal operators

    New decree could stunt new Brazilian development


    Antaq, the Brazilian authority overseeing ports, has put forward a proposal that would fundamentally change legislation governing how private terminals handle third-party traffic.

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    Strike shuts down BA for a week


    At the end of August, port workers in Buenos Aires belonging to the SUPA trade union began an indefinite strike in rejection of a ruling by the Works Ministry that stevedores employed in the stuffing and destuffing of containers actually belonged to the Hoist trade union.

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    Bangladesh Sonadia project gets the green light


    With new port plans finally given an official nod, Bangladesh is looking to public/private finance for further developments.

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    APM achieves new safety record at Apapa


    APM Terminals'' Apapa terminal in Lagos has achieved a notable safety record: it went 200 days during which none of its 800 employees was injured, resulting in no lost working time. The company put this down to greater awareness amongst the workforce of safety procedures.

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    Tuburão world's most efficient iron ore export port


    The Naval Engineering Department of the University of Sã o Paulo has concluded that the CVRD-owned Tubarã o port in Vitó ria is the most efficient iron ore export facility in the world.

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    Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh


    Sri Lanka''s Colombo port is going for megahub status with $400m investment in breakwaters and infrastructure to form a deep water harbour as the existing facility is depth limited and becoming congested, says Don Wootton of Scott Wilson.

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    Morocco plans second transhipment hub


    Despite doubts hanging over the future of the Tanger Med II development in Morocco, the government is to go ahead with a second container transhipment port close to the city of Nador. The project, which is known as Nador West Med, aims to attract both dry bulk traffic and transhipment ...

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    Port Bolívar to modernise


    Port Bolí var Port Authority in Ecuador is looking to acquire a new port crane for Quay 5 as part of an expansion and upgrade programme, costed at $80m. The Port Development Project will involve building a further 240 metres of quay, where post-panamax capability would be incorporated.

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    Will South Asia be ready to play?


    Are South Asia''s ports finally tackling operational barriers? Stevie Knight reports

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    Oakland's security upgrade


    A contract to upgrade the Port of Oakland''s perimeter security and also install a fibre optic communications system has been awarded to GTSI under the US Communities contract. GTSI will team up with local businesses to deliver the various phases of the project, aimed at completion by April 2010.

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    Açu mega-port takes shape


    A new mega-port complex is taking shape at Aç u to the north of Rio de Janeiro, which is being bankrolled by Brazil''s state investment bank BNDES and by the privately owned LLX. This will serve an area the size of Manhattan Island, where it is hoped that up to ...

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    UK port 'passes milestones'


    2008 was the busiest year in the history of Britain''s sixth largest port. Milford Haven Port Authority increased revenue for the third year running, according to its recently released annual report and accounts.