World News – Page 330

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    More pressure on UK warehousing to come


    As a consequence of changes to the Empty Property Rate (EPR) taxation in the UK, it has emerged that landlords are demolishing perfectly good warehouse property as a way of avoiding paying the substantial amounts of tax that unoccupied facilities now incur.

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    Chinese ports report growth


    In July, the combined throughput of China''s coastal ports reached 500m tonnes, a growth of 12.9% over the corresponding 2008 month.

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    south africa shorts


    As many as 2,500 South African merchant seafarers could be trained to form a pool of talent as navigation and engineering officers and deck crew members in the offshore industry.

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    American Association of Port Authorities in Freight Stakeholders Coalition


    The Freight Stakeholders Coalition, a group made up the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) and shipper and surface transport trade associations in the US, is seeking a unified approach to Federal transport funding.

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    Cosco reports drop in box traffic


    Cosco Pacific reported a 6.7% loss in traffic during July to 3.78m teu.

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    Manta still seeks private investor


    Manta Port Authority is to transfer the shares held in Tide by HPH to another private company, now that HPH has pulled out of the deal.

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    Concepción struggles to retain box traffic


    The Argentinian port of Concepción is struggling to hang on to the container feeder service that has made calls for the last two years. The lack of dredging on the Uruguay River has called into question the retention of the service. Compounding the problem, Logisur, the handling company, is now ...

  • Port Strategy: Greek port turns a small, but welcome profit

    Piraeus makes a profit


    Turnover at the Greek port of Piraeus was up 32% in the first six months of 2009, resulting in a small net profit for the port authority.

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    Victoria to be expanded


    The Espirito Santo Port Authority (Codesa) has published a tender in respect of the lengthening and expansion of berths 101 and 102 at the port of Victoria. Together with a previous dredging contract, investment of $134m is being made. By 2010, as a result of the work, capacity will have ...

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    Chilean ports in the red


    André s Rengifo, the director of Chile's Port Company Systems, has said that the country's public ports will all post negative figures in 2009.

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    Asciano writedowns put brakes on AutoStrads


    Australian port investor Asciano has delayed the roll out of its advanced AutoStrad automatic container straddle carrier positioning technology.

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    Professor takes the Transnet helm


    The challenge of running South Africa''s national transport businesses is hardly academic, and yet it''s been put into the hands of one - Geoff Everingham, a university professor.

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    Ports must lending a helping hand says Drewry


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    Libra to consolidate three terminals operation


    Libra Terminais has presented proposals to the authorities to unify its two operational areas into a mega-terminal handling containers.

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    Vietnam port loan


    Vietnam Oil and Gas  has signed a £ 3.7bn loan deal with  the Petroleum Technical Services Corporation (PTSC) and the Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade to invest in the Hon La Port project. The loan period is ten years.

  • Port Strategy: Port Elizabeth, lying the in the shadow of  Ngqura, South Africa's flagship port

    Transnet pushes ahead with expansion


    South Africa''s port regulator is pushing ahead with expansion plans across the board. Stuart Pearcey reports

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    Southern NZ merger report commissioned


    A report on the consequences of a merger between the South Island's two largest ports is to be delivered by Auckland consultancy Antipodes in October.

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    APM plans Santos terminal


    APM Terminals is to present a project to Santos Port Authority to operate a container terminal at Prainha in the Guarujá region of the port. It would require investment of $700m and include construction of 700 metres of quay to serve a terminal with a capacity of 1.2m teu.

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    Maersk invests in Luanda


    Maersk Angola is to invest $95m in the construction of a second line terminal in Luanda as a means of improving the overall port infrastructure. Investment would be carried forward in stages. The need for the terminal has been justified on grounds that it will make operations run smoothly and ...

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    Tianjin posts loss


    Tianjin Port Development ended the first half of 2009 with a net loss of $2m. Container traffic handled by the company was down by 6.7% and bulk by 8.4%. Revenue reached $83m compared with $91m the previous year.