World News – Page 311

  • News

    Lower emissions from Felixstowe


    The Port of Felixstowe has announced an 8% cut in its carbon emissions in 2009. The amount of carbon dioxide was reduced from 19.8kg to 19kg in 2009 alone, and the port is confident of a further downward trend over the coming year.

  • Eritrea has a long and strategically placed coastline, but its ports have suffered

    Eritrean ports begin to climb


    Eritrea has launched a drive to revamp its ports of Massawa and Assab. These ports have been left languishing after the rupture of relations with Ethiopia cut Eritrea out of the picture and Ethiopian cargo moved to neighbouring Djibouti.

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    Italian port reform to go ahead


    The Italian government has approved draft legislation that will reform the structure of Italian ports.

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    NZ ports' future under scrutiny


    Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) chief executive Peter Davie predicts there will only be a handful of international container ports in New Zealand within the next decade, as a second tier of feeder ports develops.

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    Liscont legality questions continue


    Portugal''s Public Ministry has stated that legislation put forward in 2008 allowing the Liscont concession at Alcântara Dock to be extended until 2042 was unconstitutional.

  • Penalty payments will flow directly between Botany's stevedores and road operators. Photo: J Bar

    Trucking penalty system questioned


    The recently announced reforms aimed at reducing congestion at Sydney’s Port Botany has had a mixed reaction from the truckers themselves.

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    KPA investigations called off


    The Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission has recommended that investigations into a flawed $12.3m crane contract awarded by Kenya Ports Authority be dropped.

  • Durban was brought almost to a standstill by the strike say reports

    End in sight for crippling South Africa port strikes


    A workers'' strike that has crippled South Africa''s ports for more than two weeks could be over by the end of this week, with unions said to be looking favourably on the latest wage deal on the table.

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    Funding approved for Savannah


    The Georgia General Assembly has approved funding for the Savannah Harbour Expansion Project (SHEP) as well as significant infrastructure improvements that will enhance access to the port.

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    Double bubble for Peel


    Peel Ports has commissioned a double barge service on the Manchester Ship Canal to handle growing container volumes at the UK’s Port of Liverpool.

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    Panama partners with Jacksonville


    The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) and Jacksonville Port Authority have launched a strategic partnership with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

  • Graph showing the reduction in pollution. Source: APA

    Antwerp’s pollution drops, despite rise in industry


    Atmospheric pollutants in Antwerp harbour have dropped significantly over the last decade, according to recent figures.

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    Buenaventura future threatened


    The Colombian port of Buenaventura has warned it will become less competitive if it is not given the go-ahead to deepen the draught in its access channel.

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    Algeciras loses to Tangier


    Maersk shipping line is switching 500,000 teu from Algeciras to its facility in TangerMed, because, it says, the Tangier facility has high productivity, lower costs and incorporates zero deviation for vessels.

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    Tenders come thick and fast in South America


    Mexican port authority API Guaymas, which operates Sonora state''s Guaymas port, has drawn up two tenders to build specialised liquid and mineral terminals.

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    New Ilhéus port in doubt


    A public inquiry into a proposed new private port in the Brazilian state of Bahia has divided public opinion in Ilhéus.

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    New Indonesian port


    Indonesian state port operator Pelindo II is to build a 10m teu capacity hub port at Karawang, West Java. The development will take place over the next five to ten years at a cost of $667m.

  • Port Strategy: Darwin's East Arm Wharf, where the pollution incidents are said to have happened

    Darwin under pollution microscope


    The Port of Darwin is being investigated by the Northern Territory Government following complaints that copper concentrate has been escaping during loading operations at the port.

  • The extension of the Russian navy’s presence at Sevastopol in the Ukraine caused an incendiary moment in Kiev

    Punches thrown as Ukraine port keeps Russian navy


    The turnaround in Ukrainian politics from west to east has dragged the port of Sevastopol with it – smoke bombs, eggs and punches were all thrown in the Ukrainian parliament as nationalists made their feelings about Russia’s continuing presence felt.

  • News

    Spanish stevedores go on strike


    Port unions in Spain called a series of strikes throughout May to protest against government measures that will allow port operators to contract stevedores who do not belong to Port Stevedoring Management Companies (SAGEP).