World News – Page 280

  • As over half the global container traffic is controlled by 20 major companies, ports could act as effective drivers to reduce emissions

    Ports could lead on carbon


    It may not be the ports themselves that create the emissions, but if they work together, they can exert pressure on the supply chain to green-up, points out new research from the University of Hull.

  • Klaus-Dieter Ruske: "technology alone can’t secure the supply chain"

    Ports and the supply chain's vulnerability


    The supply chain is sensitive to growing security issues, according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). But forcing ports to screen all freight isn’t the answer – and the checks may be best applied earlier.

  • Expansion of the Panama Canal will bring larger boxships to US east coast ports

    Canal effect 'more evolutionary than revolutionary'


    Continued recovery and fast-tracked expansion plans are today''s headline moves for US East Coast ports, according to Paul Bingham, consultant and economist of Wilbur Smith Associates.

  • A reverse private-public partnership at the APM terminal in Virginia has caught the industry's attention

    Beyond the expansion


    US East Coast ports should look past the Panama widening hype for long term gains, finds Martin Rushmere

  • This week's aftershocks have set back Lyttelton's repair programme

    Powerful aftershocks hinder Lyttelton recovery


    New Zealand’s Lyttelton Port is once again dealing with the aftermath of earthquake damage to its facilities – for the third time in nine months.

  • Milford Haven will be pushing for more renewables business

    Renewables gain from Milford Haven profits


    Strong performance from Milford Haven’s gas and oil activities in 2010 is to drive new plans to attract renewable energy and biomass businesses, alongside continued development of existing port infrastructure and services.

  • Ports in Brazil could struggle to attract port investors

    Investors edgy about emerging nation ventures


    While acknowledging the investment potential of the BRIC nations, investors remain nervous about committing cash to port development in emerging markets, according to new research from international built asset consultancy, EC Harris.

  • Rotterdam has been investing in its 'steel cluster'

    Filling the gaps


    Since the downturn has left many ports with space to spare, some are looking at port-centric logistics and developing specialised clusters in a move to up the volumes and improve revenue.

  • Maasvlakte II was conceived long before the downturn, but even that hasn’t dented ship size increases

    A question of size


    Is the threat of overcapacity being overstated in Northern Europe, asks Stevie Knight

  • News

    Industry enjoys “renaissance after recession”


    Dubbing the rapid recovery of the industry as ‘renaissance after recession’, Drewry’s port specialist Neil Davidson told the annual TOC Europe conference that ports and terminals have enjoyed a “remarkably quick bounce-back”.

  • A second port at Manaus hopes to tackle restricted facilities at the existing port. Credit: Hamburg Sud

    Brazil opens public-private door


    The Brazilian government has announced plans to award a concession during the second half of the year for the country''s first public terminal to be built by the private sector.

  • Container wash wins sought-after Australian approval

    MAF green-lights Lotus unti


    A revolutionary external sea container wash machine developed by Auckland-based Lotus Wash Systems has received official certification from MAFBNZ.

  • Isabelle Ryckbost

    White paper is short of short ambition


    Despite some far reaching and interesting plans, the recent EU Transport White Paper “lacks ambition” on the issue of short and medium distance freight.

  • Marine Spatial Planning promises much - but is it delivering?

    MSP: Both threat and opportunity


    Marine Spatial Planning, or MSP, is “both a threat and an opportunity” says Paul Holthus of the World Ocean Council, and it''s an issue that may leave some ocean industries behind.

  • Maersk CEO Eivind Kolding wants to inspire the port industry

    Maersk boss delivers ‘wake-up call’ to ports


    Maersk Line has issued a “wake-up call” to the port and terminal sector, challenging it to get involved in an industry-wide debate on future-proofing the business.

  • The Port of Melbourne found the benefits of “contractual partnering” helped to overcome environmental and legal challenges

    Breaking the barriers to co-operation


    If you are looking at a large infrastructure project, it is all too easy to fall into the somewhat stereotyped roles and slightly adversarial stance that can exist between contractors, consultants, stakeholders and project owners.

  • News

    DP World trading on LSE


    DP World has started trading on the London Stock Exchange. The company explains that there was no new capital raised as part of the listing as the aim was to provide an additional platform to help attract a broader range of investors. DP World shares will also continue to ...

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    Hurricane season reports


    While BOEMRE’s “extreme weather warnings” are primarily aimed at the oil and gas industry, the reports on the 2011 Atlantic Hurricane Season have relevance for other infrastructure bodies.

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    Investors hungry for Magampura


    Some 13 investors have submitted project proposals for new ventures at the port of Magampura in Sri Lanka. These are expected to generate revenue of $1bn and include cement grinding, warehousing, sugar refinery, petrochemicals, fertilisers and others.

  • News

    Council quashes Tarakohe proposal


    A marine farming industry proposal to fund commercial development of Port Tarakohe, located at the northwestern tip of the South Island, has been labelled “one-sided” by the Tasman District Council.