World News – Page 269

  • APM are set to take over management of Gothenburg’s Skandia container terminal in 2012. Photo: Port of Gothenburg

    APM to take over Gothenburg’s Skandia container terminal


    APM Terminals have signed a concession with the Port of Gothenburg to take over Skandia Container Terminal next year.

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    Algerian sea port tender


    The Algerian government has issued a tender for a new port to be located between Algiers and Ténès, some 200 km to the east.

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    Lyttelton insurance costs mount


    As Lyttelton Port of Christchurch (LPC) processes what is due to be the largest single corporate insurance claim in the Southern Hemisphere, other local ports are also feeling the ramifications of the Canterbury earthquakes.

  • Red Sea Gateway Terminal is the only Saudi terminal that can currently handle new generation 13,000 teu containerships

    The sleeping giant that is Saudi Arabia


    Regional giant Saudi Arabia lacks modern port capacity for a country of its size, location and wealth.

  • Abu Dhabi's Khalifa Port development has helped push the inner Gulf from transhipment bottlenecks to surplus hub capacity

    Shifting sands


    The focus of Middle East port development has shifted from transhipment capacity to addressing specific domestic bottlenecks. Karen Thomas reports

  • Apapa in Lagos, Nigeria has been subject to congestion and other problems springing from multiple agencies. Photo: Scenar308 Flickr

    Agencies ordered out of Nigerian ports


    Nigerian ports are making a move toward efficiency by finally kicking multiple government agencies off their premises.

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    Brazilian state muscles into ports


    The Brazilian government is to renegotiate all contracts that ports have with the state, municipal government or private sector to allow it to have more influence in how they are managed.

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    Dockers down tools at Al-Dekheila


    Some 450 ports stevedores belonging to the Alexandria Container and Cargo Handling Company downed tools in October, claiming that promises made to them over concerns raised in April had been reneged on.

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    Otago job cuts stun unions


    A committed protest campaign is being promised by the Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) and the Rail and Maritime Transport Union (RMTU) in light of Port Otago seeking up to a dozen voluntary redundancies.

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    Cavotec holds capital base


    Plans to raise significant capital have been put on hold by Cavotec partially due to the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm-listing firm having a “very strong balance sheet” and recently signing a €80m ($110m) Credit Facility agreement.

  • Containers from the stricken Rena have been spotted off and removed off the Port of Tauranga. Image: Mark Alen

    Tauranga undeterred by Rena disruption


    Containers from the Rena grounding finding their way into the shipping channels of the Port of Tauranga have so far been swiftly removed, the port has said.

  • Jari Kauppila: Trade by sea to China suggests a slowdown

    Freight loses Asia pull


    The latest global freight data highlights concern over economic recovery and exposes the risk of dependence on Asia-led growth, according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

  • Varying customs procedures has provoked competition amongst EU member ports

    EU Customs procedures cause of competition


    The European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) is calling for a harmonised implementation of customs procedures across EU ports after it identified problems arising from uneven legislation.

  • Maritime UK is concerned that the “net environmental benefits” of sulphur reduction will be lost under current proposals

    EU ports 'vunerable' to sulphur legislation


    Baltic and UK ports will be “especially vulnerable” to new Sulphur Emission Control Area (ECA) regulations which may increase bunker fuel prices by 87%, David Balston of the UK Chamber of Shipping told Port Strategy.

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    Fourth JNPT box concession awarded


    A consortium composed of ABG Ports and PSA Mumbai investments has been awarded the concession to operate the fourth container terminal at Jawaharlal Nehru Port.

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    Solitary bid for Talcahuano


    A third tender at the Port of Talcahuano has attracted just a single bid from Empresas Navieras Holding.

  • The Great Lakes are looking at a change of pace

    A change of scene


    The North American Great Lakes artery has grand plans for the future, as Stevie Knight discovers

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    Port Klang to have third box terminal


    Port Klang Authority chairman Teh Kim Poohas has revealed that approval has been given to build a third container terminal by 2012.

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    Peru's neighbourly competition


    Following agreements between Chile and Argentina to build a new rail tunnel and upgrade roads across the Andes to allow Chilean ports to handle more cargo, the Peruvian ports of Callao and Ilo are upping their game.

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    Manila introduces radiation detection


    The port of Manila has introduced a new radiation detection system at two terminals: ICTSI''s and Asia Terminals'' South Harbour.