World News – Page 251

  • News

    Tanger-Med raises €128,000


    The company managing the Tanger Med 2 project in Morocco has finalised the debt guarantee subscription process, which forms part of the second phase development of the port. This has resulted in €128,000 being raised.

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    Dawei reaches crossroads


    Myanmar’s Dawei is very much at the cross roads as Myanmar’s Industry Minister, Soe Thane, recently acknowledged to the Bangkok Post newspaper.

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    Port reform tops Portugal's agenda


    Reform of its ports has been pushed to the top of the agenda of the Portuguese government.

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    Ten International companies in Manta bid


    At least 10 international companies have indicated an interest in bidding for the 25-year concession to build and operate a multipurpose terminal at the Ecuadorian port of Manta.

  • Essar and Antwerp have become new allies

    Essar and Antwerp ally for growth


    Essar Ports has announced the creation of a strategic alliance with the Port of Antwerp (PAI) to promote future development and the growth of port traffic between the two ports.

  • The ‘Blue Energy’ workshop will be hosted by the Port of Ramsgate

    A PATCH on ‘Blue Energy’


    PATCH’s (Ports Adapting To Change) ‘Blue Energy’ workshop, hosted by the Port of Ramsgate, will take place later this month on 22 June 2012.

  • News

    Adding value to an already attractive option


    There is a real need to provide those involved in getting cargo to and from Indian ports with a range of value added services.

  • The Board of Directors of Milaha discussed the recommended rights issue. Photo: Milaha

    Milaha discuss rights issue


    Milaha''s Board (Qatar Navigation) met recently to review the issue of new shares to existing shareholders, designed to increase the company''s paid up capital by 20%.

  • Wuhan now aims to be a “major shipping centre” in five years Photo: Sina Business

    Ambitious Yangtze blueprint


    Central China’s Wuhan government has reportedly approved an ambitious RMB300bn (USD$47bn) blueprint to develop Wuhan into a “major shipping centre” within the next five years.

  • The Port of Seattle already suffers from traffic congestion without a new arena Photo: Port of Seattle/Don Wilson

    Seattle worry over traffic squeeze


    The Port of Seattle has outlined concerns about potential impacts to freight and transit movement in the wake of a proposal to build a new US$490m basketball and hockey stadium in the area.

  • India's attractiveness to investors is growing day by day. Credit: OK Photography

    Filling a capacity gap


    HFW''s Alistair Mackie and Lindsey Greer examine the investment potential of India

  • The MTS allows for the transportation of more containers in a single haul compared to the traditional single-trailer system

    Advanced MTS for Manila


    International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI) recently added a new line of multi-trailer system (MTS) at the Manila International Container Terminal.

  • Proposals to increase tolls on the Panama Canal are a bone of contention, unsurprisingly

    Panama toll charge increase row


    A row has broken out between the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) over the proposed plans to increase the toll charges for the Panama Canal.

  • The Scottish port industry is homing in on the demand for offshore renewables Photo: Thomas Nugent

    Scottish ports renewables strategy


    A new £1.3m port project is helping to pave the way in the advancement of Scotland’s renewables infrastructure and there will be more port investment to follow in the near future.

  • APMT is in a bid to operate Port of Virginia facilities

    APMT in $4bn Virginia operations bid


    APM Terminals has submitted an unsolicited proposal to Virginia Port Authority to operate the authority''s state owned and leased terminals for the next 48 years in a deal that could net VPA up to $4bn, according to APMT''s calculations.

  • The quayside mishap at BCT could have been far worse

    Crane collision causes injuries at BCT


    International Container Services Inc. (ICTSI) has commented on a recent marine incident involving a passenger vessel that collided with one of its quayside cranes at its terminal in Gdynia, Poland.

  • TCL wants to emulate its Leixões management philosophy in Ferrol Container Terminal

    Growth by numbers


    Leixões operator TCL hopes to carry its successes through to its latest investment in Ferrol, as Alex Hughes discusses

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    Grand Faw project commences in Iraq


    The government of Iraq has issued a tender for the construction of a breakwater to protect its planned $6bn Grand Faw Port development.

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    Value jump for Napier


    An independent valuation of the Port of Napier has revealed a 47.1% rise over three years to NZ$177.4m (US$134m).

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    Tasmanians fights Melbourne licensing fee


    The Tasmanian Freight Logistics Council is considering legal action to block a proposed port licensing fee, which will affect freight moving to Tasmania through Melbourne.