World News – Page 230

  • David Hodgett declaring the start of works at the Webb Dock site

    Work begins on Melbourne port project


    Construction has begun at the Port of Melbourne’s Webb Dock as part of the Victorian Coalition Government’s AUS$1.6bn port capacity project to ensure the port can meet growing trade demands.

  • DNV will identify the potential risks of LNG bunkering operations

    DNV and Antwerp team up on bunkering


    The Antwerp Port Authority has teamed up with ship classification society, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), to develop procedures for safe and efficient LNG bunkering operations.

  • The government plans to improve the management and infrastructure of Brazilian

    Brazilian workers prepare to strike


    Following failed negotiations with the Brazilian government over privatisation plans, port workers are preparing to strike at 36 Brazilian ports on 19 March 2013, according to media reports.

  • Indian Ports Association will be supporting the first 'GreenPort South Asia Conference'

    IPA supports GreenPort South Asia Conference


    The Indian Ports Association (IPA), which represents India’s 13 major ports, has confirmed its support for Mercator Media''s first ''GreenPort South Asia Conference'', taking place in Mumbai, India, from 20 till 22 March 2013.

  • Fast growing Chinese GDP has "huge implications for global trade"

    Ports riding on Asia Pacific growth


    “Resilient” growth in Asia Pacific is propping up port development in the region but the best is yet to come, according to IHS Global Insight’s Rajiv Biswas.

  • Konecranes will deliver five straddle carriers, as well as other equipment

    Konecranes wins Indonesian record order


    Konecranes has increased its strategic position in Indonesia with a contract to deliver the first automated container yard for state owned terminal operator, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Pelindo III).

  • The proposed terminal will be the fourth crude oil terminal in the POLB. Photo: Bruce Perry, Department of Geological Sciences, CSU Long Beach

    New oil terminal proposed by green POLB


    Following a long series of environmental projects, the Port of Long Beach (POLB) has approved plans to modernise the state''s aging oil transfer infrastructure with a 28 acre deep water oil terminal.

  • HPH Trust is looking to invest more in the Pearl River Delta

    HPH Trust acquires ACT


    The Singapore listed Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) Trust has acquired 100% of shares in the Hong Kong terminal operator, Asia Container Terminal Holdings Ltd (ACT Holdings), for around HK$750m (US$408m).

  • Port of Cape Town

    Port users invited to comment on proposed tariffs


    The Ports Regulator of South Africa has invited port users and interested or affected parties to attend public hearings on a tariff structure and tariff methodology for setting port tariffs over the medium term.

  • News

    Buenaventura terminal invests


    Columbia''s new container terminal, Buenaventura, (TCBuen), has become the first Latin American terminal to implement new optical character recognition (OCR) systems and Differential GPS (DGPS) quay cranes, yard cranes and input processes.

  • The APT hopes the project will boost freight traffic with expanding markets

    Trieste to take part in inland waterways project


    Italy''s Trieste Port Authority (APT) is taking part in the ‘Upgrading of inland waterways and sea ports’ (INWAPO) European project in a bid to boost freight traffic.

  • Tauranga is having to get bigger to meet customer demand

    Tauranga to get bigger ships


    Port of Tauranga in New Zealand has been given the go ahead to proceed with works to widen and deepen its shipping channels to accomodate larger ships following a four year consent process.

  • The new AGT will have an initial capacity of 1.5m teu

    APMT to operate major Turkish port


    Global terminal operator, APM Terminals (APMT) and Turkish petrochemical company, Petkim, have signed an agreement to create a new container and general cargo terminal, Aegean Gateway Terminal (AGT) at Turkey''s Petkim Port.

  • Picketing continues at the Port of Vancouver

    Vancouver pickets disrupt trade


    Picketing is still underway at the US Port of Vancouver in Washington after longshoremen were locked out of their jobs last week at the Pacific Northwest grain terminal following disputes over the proposed new labour agreement.

  • The cranes will operate on a new quay wall at the London Gateway

    Giant cranes for DP World’s London Gateway


    Following a two month sea voyage from China, three giant cranes, each measuring 138m in height, arrived at the UK’s new global shipping port, DP World’s London Gateway last week.

  • The Ukraine is working towards a compensation arrangement for private operators who invest in port infrastructure

    Compensating Ukrainian port investment


    One of the fundamental aspects to port reform in the Ukraine is putting in place a compensation arrangement for private investors for investments made to improve port infrastructure, says Odessa based legal firm, Interlegal.

  • News

    Montreal secures continued labour commitment


    In Canada, Montreal Port Authority has agreed a new six-year collective labour agreement with the Maritime Employers Association and the Longshoremen''s Union.

  • News

    Port Said disruptions hit SCCT


    Shipping lines CMA CGM, COSCO and Maersk Line were forced to divert calls from Port Said to the Israeli port of Eilat in February on the back of disruptive protests at Port Said, according to local media.

  • News

    Lower Tallinn calls hit profits


    In Estonia, Tallinn’s port profits suffered last year as cargo volumes dropped 19%.

  • News

    Dawei hits another hurdle


    Dawei, the proposed megaport in Myanmar, has hit another snag, Thailand’s national NNT news agency has reported.