World News – Page 219

  • Chiwan, part of the Shezhen port cluster, could stand to lose much business

    Hong Kong ports at loggerheads with airline industry


    There is a battle underway in Hong Kong between the needs of the mainland’s aviation industry and Shenzhen’s western ports.

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    Fixing the capacity shortfall


    Investment in infrastructure projects in Brazil is very complex at the best of times and, even if the government has put aside money for new developments, there are invariably many bureaucratic and legal structures that have to be negotiated first.

  • The new port will complement the Port of Melbourne and cater for growth in container trade

    Hastings box terminal development makes headway


    The release of expressions of interest for four key feasibility phase work packages for the Port of Hastings container expansion project has confirmed the continued progress of the contentious south Australian development.

  • Northern eastern ports, such as Suape (pictured), also have ambitions to serve agribusiness flows. Credit: Michael Renner

    Bulk blockage


    New legislation is struggling to address capacity shortcomings at Brazilian ports, finds Alex Hughes

  • A render of the Hamifratz port project at Haifa Photo: Israel Ports Company

    Israeli tender speculation mounts


    Media speculation is rife that one of Europe’s largest operators is intending on bidding to build and operate two new terminals at the Israeli ports of Haifa and Ashdod.

  • TCM is Costa Rica’s largest infrastructure project

    APM steams ahead with Costa Rica terminal


    More than two years after winning the concession for a deepwater facility in Costa Rica, APM Terminals has signed an agreement with the Dutch consortium of Van Oord and Bam International to start dredging works for the new $460m terminal.

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    Decongesting Nigeria


    The Federal Government of Nigeria is throwing around N200m (US$1.248m) into a decongestion plan which will see 4,000 containers transferred from the Port of Lagos, local media reports.

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    Light at the end of the tunnel?


    While the port industry seems to be finally hauling itself out of the doldrums, it could take a further 18 months for business to really return to an even keel, according to experts.

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    North American ports have 'lost their way'


    Ports have “lost their way in North America” as a result of a lack of focussed investment, PortMiami director Bill Johnson told TOC Americas delegates.

  • GreenPort Congress 2013 kicks off this week at the Port of Antwerp

    Antwerp Green Week arrives


    Mercator Media''s eighth GreenPort Congress kicks off this week at the Port of Antwerp and will mark the release of the port''s second sustainability report.

  • The Port of Basco is ripe for development

    PPA tenders sought


    The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) is seeking tenders to take on the construction and rehabilitation of three of its ports.

  • The eighth GreenPort Congress will be hosted by the Port of Antwerp

    GreenPort Congress 2013 approaches


    Mercator Media’s eighth GreenPort Congress is fast approaching and is set to be a truly international affair with delegates from Australia, Ghana, India and Malaysia, as well as from across Europe.

  • Plans for a new marine road are coming along at Chennai Port. Photo: VtTN

    Marine highway for Chennai


    In a bid to tackle congestion problems, India’s Chennai Port Trust (ChPT), is developing a barge handling facility in Bharati Dock, local media reports.

  • The sale of the Port of Newcastle has been spurred by the privatisation of Botany and Kembla. Credit: Luke Roberts

    Australia's new dawn


    HFW''s Connie Chen discusses Australia''s newfound enthusiam for port privatisation

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    Increased charges a small price to pay


    Rental prices and other port costs and charges tend to increase under the new private owners; unsurprising given that the immediate goal of the private sector is to generate revenue for its investors.

  • Buying Global Infrastructure's stake in the Port of Brisbane could double IFM's shareholding

    IFM in Brisbane bid


    Industry Funds Management (IFM) is looking to take control of the Port of Brisbane by buying Global Infrastructure Partners’ stake in the port in a deal worth AUS$900m, local media reports.

  • Marseille Fos has recaptured much of the box traffic lost to strikes in 2012

    Marseille remains cautiously optimistic


    Despite the fact that box traffic at Marseille was up 6% in the first six months, Arnaud Ranjard, director of development at Marseille Fos, suggests that the year-end figure will be around plus 2%, the more modest figure being a reflection of the economic uncertainty of the European economy.

  • Jaxport Blount Island will receive funding of US$14.8m

    Florida port improvements


    American ports are to benefit from funding from the Seaport Investment Program which will help finance port improvement projects across Florida.

  • Genova's major container terminal investments paves the way for 14,000+ teu ships

    Genova bucks general box malaise


    Container business at Genova grew 11.8% last year to 2.1m teu, marking the first time the port has broken through the 2 million teu barrier.

  • POLA has had a fee re-think

    LA cargo fee scrapped


    The Los Angeles Board of Harbour Commissioners has voted in favour of the port''s recommendation to eliminate a container fee which has never been used.