World News – Page 215

  • ICTSI says Africa is one of the most important regions for its business. Photo: Jonas B

    ICTSI invests in Congo


    International Container Terminal Services Inc (ICTSI) is establishing its first terminal in the Democratic Republic of Congo – a “significant milestone” of the company’s growth strategy for the continent.

  • 90% of workers at Angamos have returned to work. Photo: Codelco

    Strikes continue to cripple Chilean ports


    Disruption at Chilean ports, which has been ongoing since before Christmas, has directly benefited the smaller port of Coquimbo, which has picked up traffic associated with the country''s key fruit export sector.

  • News

    Bankrupt Málaga bailed out by Spanish government


    The Port of Málaga, which has been criticised by the National Ports Authority, has been thrown a lifeline by the central government, which has offered it €1.9m to offset its 2013 deficit. However, the port authority has accumulated debts of nearly €24m.

  • Panama Canal works hang in the balance

    Panama Canal works hang in the balance


    The threat of suspension to works on the third locks at the Panama Canal looms this week as Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC) and the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) argue it out over who should pay for additional costs incurred by the project.

  • Will the P3 alliance help the overcapacity crisis at ports like Odessa?

    Ukrainian ports overcapacity crisis


    Ukrainian ports are continuing to under-perform because of huge capacity surplus, which a new report says there is no quick solution for.

  • The increased funding will support the international competitiveness of US ports like Los Angeles

    New Appropriation Act supports US ports


    The recently introduced US$1.1 trillion Consolidated Appropriation Act of 2014 will support US seaport infrastructure and enhance US international competitiveness, says the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA).

  • TIPC is hoping to boost the competitiveness of Taiwan's ports, like Kaohsiung

    Taiwan works to promote its ports


    Taiwan International Port Corporation (TIPC) is looking to promote the country’s port status through a series of ‘green’ strategies.

  • The ports of Brisbane (pictured) and Melbourne say that ZIM’s loss will be minimal

    Shipping carrier quits Australia


    Recent media reports suggest that Israel’s ZIM Integrated Shipping Service and its affiliate Gold Star Line will leave Australia next month, possibly leaving a large gap in trade for Oz ports.

  • Striking dockers at Angamos have created a ripple effect. Credit: Codelco

    Strikes cripple Chilean ports


    A two-day strike called by dock workers in Chile''s southern Biobío region in support of striking colleagues at the port of Angamos ended on January 10. However, the threat of further action has not been ruled out.

  • The goverment's plan to tender out the Jawahar dock at Chennai looks to have backfired

    Chennai project fails to attract bidders?


    Apparently the tender process to develop a disused coal terminal at the Indian government''s Chennai port has ended with no bids being received.

  • From the outset, it was clear that the six year project at Durban was not likely to be a smooth and simple process

    Durban Container Terminal development still on


    Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) says that the plan to lengthen and deepen Durban harbour is still on, despite media reports that it has come under fire from environmental organisations.

  • Unions say that working conditions at Lisbon have deteriorated since the adoption of a new Port Law in February 2013

    Portuguese dockers air grievances


    A pledge of support has been given to dockers in Lisbon by both the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the International Dockworkers’ Council (IDC) in advance of a Europe-wide strike planned for next week.

  • Jeddah has been one of the region's star performers. Credit: OK Photography

    Middle Eastern moves


    Middle East container trade rides the wave of increased regional spending. Mike Mundy reports

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    The importance of UK trade


    The UK trade remains one of the largest single country trades in Northern Europe.

  • London Gateway may prove itself ahead of the game in UK port development. Credit: The Prime Minister's Office

    Politics of ports


    Investment in catering for direct containership calls in the UK has been lacking, explains Ben Hackett

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    P3 hangs over East Coast fortunes


    There is some uncertainty and nervousness over effects of the P3 alliance on US East Coast ports, with many awaiting the Federal Maritime Commission’s ruling, the introduction of the service and the reaction from competitors such as the G6.

  • Baltimore's growth has the backing of the US Administration. Credit : Maryland Government

    Chanting a mantra


    East Coast ports believe that deeper water is the answer to many of their problems, finds Martin Rushmere

  • Berth length will be increased at the Jeddah terminal

    RSGT prepares for extension works


    Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Gateway Terminal is poised to award the contract for civil works relating to the extension of its terminal.

  • The latest round of strikes is hitting Tanjung Priok Port

    Jakarta port strike


    Media reports suggest that more than a hundred port workers are on strike at Jakarta’s Tanjung Priok Port, but apparently there is no disruption to operations.

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    Spanish port traffic declines 3%


    Total tonnage at Spanish ports is forecast to decline by 3% this year compared with the 474.8m tons handled in 2012, according to José Llorca, president of Puertos del Estado, the national ports authority.