World News – Page 209

  • News

    Police intensify corruption investigations at Ashdod Port


    Alon Hassan, head of the Ashdod port union, has been placed under house arrest and barred from entering the port for 90 days as police continue to investigate alleged improprieties.

  • Financial problems continue to impact Spanish ports [966614]  -  2 Linkid : 2028937

    Financial problems continue to impact Spanish ports


    Several ports in Spain are suffering from a catalogue of financial woes. At Gijón-El Musel, the cost overrun of €247m linked to the expansion of the port is alleged to be criminal in nature.

  • Record year: Turnover at Belfast rose by 30% in 2013 to £50.3m

    Record year boosts Belfast’s future


    Ireland’s Belfast harbour is committing more than £60m to capital expenditure projects following a record financial year during 2013.

  • Tricky: The decision to scan containers at US ports looks likely to be delayed again

    US climbdown on container scanning?


    Few in the industry are surprised to hear that the US may have delayed new rules requiring all cargo containers entering the country to be security scanned prior to departure.

  • Volumising: AGCT has raised Rijeka overall terminal capacity to 450,000 teu per year

    Rijeka's AGCT nears completion


    The installation of a new mooring buoy in mid-June will see the completion of new deepwater quay arrangements at the Adriatic Gate Container Terminal (AGCT) in Rijeka, Croatia.

  • New chapter: APMT says its investment at the Port of Namibe will provide the local market with the needed infrastructure

    APMT begins new Angolan chapter


    Sociedade Gestora de Terminais (Sogester), an APM Terminals joint venture, is opening up Angola’s southern gateway with a 20-year concession at the Port of Namibe.

  • News

    Napier weighed in for SOLAS


    An in-house export container weighing system developed by the Port of Napier sees it leading the New Zealand ports industry in preparation for pending changes to SOLAS Chapter VI.

  • Concern: John Mullen warns on the pitfalls on large scale port sell-offs

    Asciano boss cautions on privatisation downsides


    While the privatisation of Australia''s ports gathers pace, the head of ports operator Asciano fears the Australian economy may be suffering some damage.

  • Growth: Mexican expansion will begin at the port of Veracruz

    Mexico to double capacity within six years


    Port infrastructure in Mexico is going to double in capacity over the next six years, according to Ricardo Martínez of the Ports and Merchant Marine.

  • News

    No investment in Brazilian ports until 2015


    Investment in Brazilian ports has ground to a halt, according to Wilen Manteli, president of the Brazilian Port Terminals Association.

  • European expansion: Yilport is looking at other opportunities in the Baltic region

    Yilport explores Baltic opportunities


    Turkish operator, Yilport, is expanding in to the Baltic region, starting with the acquisition of a container terminal in Sweden.

  • Positive movements: Georgia will now expand its harbour to cater for larger vessels

    US seaports get vote of confidence


    US seaports are in line for a wave of modernisation following the US States Congress’ approval of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) 2014.

  • New models: New reackstackers, empty container handlers, laden container handlers and forklift trucks will start leaving Hyster's Nijmegen production line in July

    Hyster developments slash fuel costs


    Equipment specialist Hyster has launched a range of Stage IV/Tier 4 final (T4f) compliant trucks for the port and terminal industry.

  • Other ideas: M&S has pulled the plug on its London Gateway plans

    M&S pulls out of London Gateway


    UK retailer Marks & Spencer has pulled out of plans to invest £200m in a national distribution centre at DP World''s London Gateway.

  • Get ahead: Vancouver hails its planned oil terminal as a triumph in taking the shale gas initiative

    Gassing up


    LNG leads the way in the huge projects in Washington and Oregon, writes Martin Rushmere

  • MoU signing: Hueneme has affirmed its 'sister port' agreement with Ecuador's Port of Bolivar

    Hueneme explores Latin America


    The Port of Hueneme is exploring opportunities in Latin America through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Port of Bolivar in Ecuador.

  • The National Ports Authority is investigating complaints of high tug prices at Valencia. Credit: Fundación Valenciaport

    Spain opens door to private sector investment


    The recently introduced National Spanish Reform Programme now allows the private sector to invest, through PPPs, in the management of state-owned ports currently administered by the National Ports Authority.

  • News

    Brazilian passenger terminals behind schedule


    Brazil''s Audit Court (TCU) has made recommendations to the Ceará State Dock Company to draw up a Plan B for the handling of tourists at the Port of Muricipe, in Fortaleza, during the World Cup.

  • Cargo chaos: The truck ban has caused a number of problems for Manila's port operations. Photo: Theurbanhistorian

    Manila backlogs mount up


    The Port of Manila (POM) continues to struggle with cargo backlogs as a result of the truck ban implemented earlier this year, but the main concern is the threat is poses to overall Philippines growth.

  • On the move: US West Coast ports are set to see an increase in cargo flow in May

    US retail imports on the up


    As new contracts are negotiated for US West Coast dockworkers, import volume at the nation’s major retail container ports is expected to increase 3.5% in May, according to the latest Global Port Tracker report.