World News – Page 203

  • APMT says the Costa Rican terminal is a challenging 33-year project

    APMT seals the deal for Costa Rica terminal


    APM Terminals (APMT) is playing its part in the modernisation of Costa Rica’s Limón/Moin port through the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the new Moin Container Terminal (TCM).

  • The DWDR project aims to regenerate the Port of Dover

    Dover explores new opportunities


    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has approved the UK’s Dover Harbour Board’s application for additional powers – a move that will generate new opportunities and ensure the port stays at the top of its game.

  • Colombia is “betting on smart and profitable infrastructure"

    Colombia container hub aspirations


    Colombia’s government wants to make the country “a great container hub of the Americas”, according to minister of transport, Natalia Abello Vives.

  • This latest order will boost the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas, where Latin America’s first semi-automated container terminal is being built

    ABB electrifies APMT Mexican terminal


    ABB is to supply a complete electrification and crane automation solution for APM Terminals’ (APMT) new Mexican terminal at the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas.

  • This year's TOC Americas is taking place in Cartagena, Columbia. Photo: Ealmagro

    TOC Americas 2014 begins


    Over 500 participants are set to attend the fourteenth annual TOC Americas conference and exhibition, taking place in Cartagena, Columbia this week.

  • 'There has to be a balance between competition and continuity' - Charles Hammond

    Competition and continuity


    Next month, Charles Hammond steps down as UK Major Ports Group chairman. Felicity Landon asks him about the hot topics in the industry.

  • The Port of Long Beach is tackling congestion head on

    Long Beach combats congestion


    As congestion hits the second largest port in the US, a congestion relief team has been set up at the Port of Long Beach to address the what the port says is one of the main causes – a “chassis imbalance”.

  • New partners: Seattle and Tacoma have formed a strategic alliance Photo: Port of Seattle/Don Wilson

    Former US west coast rivals buddy up


    Old US west coast rivals the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma have formed an unlikely alliance in order to share space and ensure their ability to reinvest in terminal assets and infrastructure.

  • The expansion is expected to "add value" to Mexico's port sector

    Mexican expansion to add value to Veracruz


    The Mexican port of Veracruz is set to more than quadruple in size following a US$1.77bn investment, which it says will keep it competitive.

  • Greater share: Miami is looking to boost transhipment traffic. Credit: Joel Hatfield

    After the storm


    It’s the ‘big ships’ and not the Panama Canal that are the talk of the East Coast, writes Martin Rushmere

  • Landside issues: Northern European ports need to get better at handling larger ships

    Growth slowing in Northern Europe


    Industry experts say that there are danger signs that economic growth will slow down in the last quarter of 2014 and the first half of 2015 so North European ports should focus on clearing congestion to stay competitive.

  • Easing congestionICTSI gains: The operator has been granted government approval to expand its capacityICTSI’s MICT has been shipping containers out of Manila to Subic

    ICTSI wins extra capacity at Manila


    Despite all the troubles at Manila in terms of congestion and fines for overstaying containers, International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI), appears to be suffering no ill effects, in fact it has just been granted government approval to expand its capacity.

  • Operations at DP World's Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane terminals will be 'threatened' by MUA action this week

    DP World faces trouble down under


    DP World Australia is facing industrial action at its east coast terminals this week from the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) in support of their Enterprise Agreement demands.

  • News

    South American ports expand infrastructure


    The first tender for a dedicated container terminal in the Port of Veracruz''s (Mexico) expansion area is to be issued in the first quarter of 2015.

  • News

    India to revamp major ports


    In India, the central government is to convert existing trusts at major ports to wholly corporate entities, with the Cabinet to rule on this soon.

  • Rt Hon John Hayes MP, Minister of State for Transport (left), welcomes the manifesto with ABP Chief Executive James Cooper

    Manifesting support for UK ports


    United Kingdom Major Ports Group (UKMPG) has unveiled a new Manifesto – Ports4Prosperity – in a bid to ensure UK ports get the government support they need.

  • European clamp-down: Spain and Italy are in trouble because they have failed to implement EU Directives Photo: Wiki/Carlesmari

    Europe takes Spain to court over port security


    The European Commission is taking Spain to court because 20 Spanish ports have failed to adopt and implement the port security plan.

  • Quieter times: DP World Vancouver had to turn away some spill-over US West Coast cargo. Credit: Danielle Bauer

    A weighty discussion


    West coast ports hope that talk is not cheap when it comes to long term labour negotiations finds Martin Rushmere

  • Switch: the EU sulphur regulations could lead to a modal shift from shortsea to trucks. Credit: Barry Lewis

    Undoing the ‘blue belt’


    Felicity Landon considers the consequences of the European Union’s impending SECA amendments

  • Automation debate: POLA terminals are struggling to move forward because of labour disputes

    West coast labour struggles


    US west coast dockworkers and shippers are struggling to reach an agreement with terminals as they continue to replace the labour force with robots to achieve automation.