World News – Page 199

  • It's been suggested that delays are now at their worst in two years at Los Angeles

    Delays worsen in Southern California


    The US west coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have seen a turbulent few months as delays in moving cargo continue to slow, and aren’t showing any sign of easing.

  • News

    Phoenix lights the way for terminals


    Lighting manufacturer, Phoenix Products Company Inc., is launching a new company specifically to serve container, intermodal and bulk terminals in response to increasing customer demand.

  • Portland terminal is suffering from repeated labour issues

    ICTSI Oregon productivity hits historical low


    Work stoppages at ICTSI Oregon, Inc’s Terminal 6 that begun in 2014 have continued into the New Year, threatening the terminal’s future viability.

  • Plans to privatise Piraeus are on hold

    Greek privatisation put on hold


    The privatisation of Greece’s Port of Piraeus has been put on the back-burner, it was announced this week by the country’s new left-wing government.

  • Record tonnage: Belfast Harbour handled a record 23m tonnes last year

    Delivering the goods


    Some UK ports are seeing their best levels of throughput since the recession with one north east port achieving record tonnage levels following a programme of investment to boost its handling capabilities.

  • The Port of Amsterdam is sharing its expertise in technical restructuring

    Amsterdam's fresh pair of eyes


    The Port of Amsterdam has been invited on a west African adventure to help deliver a master plan to renovate and restructure the Port of Contonou in Benin.

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    Brazil misses out on port investment


    Brazil''s Ports Secretariat (SEP) has invested just $824m in its national port network since SEP’s establishment in 2007.

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    Valencia dockers announce five days of strikes


    Dock workers at the Spanish Mediterranean Port of Valencia are to strike for 24 hours on Friday, following it up on February 5, 6, 12 and 13 with additional industrial action.

  • The US Port of Vancouver is inviting public opinion on what is set to be the nation’s largest oil-by-rail terminal

    Vancouver hits back at “ignorance” claims


    The US Port of Vancouver is fighting back at claims it is “out of touch with our community and the public interest”, following its 2013 decision to approve the nation’s largest oil-by-rail terminal.

  • News

    ICTSI’s Iraq terminal goes online


    International Container Terminal Services Inc’s (ICTSI) new Basra Gateway Terminal (BGT) has a plan to become Iraq’s premier container and multi-purpose cargo handling facility.

  • Quiet spell: striking dockers have already disrupted Rotterdam World Gateway operations. Credit - FaceMePls

    Union kicks back at Rotterdam


    Things are off to a rocky start at the Port of Rotterdam’s new Rotterdam Gateway (RWG) terminal as dockers protest over the lack of a collective bargaining agreement.

  • Logistical nightmare: The troubles on the US west coast point at a wider logistical problem nationally

    Crying out for US West Coast collaboration


    US west coast ports need to stop looking at the capacity and labour crisis as individual port issues and come together collaboratively to resolve the issue, says financial expert, Fitch Ratings.

  • Search: Argentina's Santa Fe is looking for a terminal operator

    Three multi-purpose terminals up for grabs


    The government of the Argentinian province of Santa Fe has set a March 19 deadline for the reception of bids to build and operate the proposed new multipurpose terminal at the Port of Santa Fe as part of a 33-year concession.

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    Moerdijk plot available for public tender


    An undeveloped land plot in the seaport of Moerdijk, Netherlands, is on the market for public tender after the Moerdijk Port Authority repurchased property formally reserved for Shell Moerdijk.

  • Contship Italia has recorded year-on-year growth

    Contship Italia steps up to challenge


    Contship Italia has stepped up to the challenge set down by shipping lines in their pursuit of alliances, mergers and integration.

  • Crunch time: The US west coast ports, including Seattle, are facing gridlock

    West coast ports gridlock crisis


    The Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) warns that US west coast ports have reached gridlock with little space available for additional import containers arriving and no space for export and empty containers returning to the docks.

  • Building volume: Gdansk wants to build volumes and one way of doing this is by privatising operations Photo: of Gdansk Authority SA

    Cash injection for Gdansk


    Malta’s Mariner Capital has told Port Strategy it is "ready to invest" in Gdansk, as soon as it gets the nod from the port authority.

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    Haifa repeats Konecranes order


    Israel’s Haifa Port Company has placed a repeat order with Konecranes for three RMGs to join the 12 already at the port.

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    PSA first in Indonesia


    PSA International, Mitsui, NYK and IPC have joined forces on the construction and operation of a new container terminal at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta, Indonesia under a newly established project company, PT New Priok Container Terminal One (NPCT1).

  • New beginnings: ECT has dropped the lawsuit against the Port of Rotterdam regarding overcapacity issues at Maasvlakte II

    Calmer waters in Rotterdam


    Europe Container Terminals (ECT) has dropped the lengthy lawsuit against the Port of Rotterdam Authority surrounding its concern over possible overcapacity issues at Maasvlakte II after three years of infighting.