World News – Page 197

  • All change: new construction company sought. Credit: US Navy

    Manta out to tender yet again


    Ecuador''s Ministry of Transport and Public Works is to call a new tender for the expansion of the deep water port at Manta after Odebrecht pulled out, having failed to secure sufficient funding. The new construction company is also expected to be Brazilian.

  • Cash crunch: money worries dog Santos. Credit: Eugeni Dodonov

    Investment slowdown at Santos


    A lack of resources currently available to the Federal Government could mean that some important work at the Port of Santos has to be shelved.

  • TAMT has eight berths and is home to one of only two on-dock cold storage facilities on the West Coast

    Study for San Diego three-terminal plan


    A Notice of Preparation for a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been issued by the Port of San Diego to analyse the potential effects of its expansion plans for the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal (TAMT).

  • Bottlenecks: ECT is working with stakeholders and the port authority to mitigate congestion Credit: Freek-van-Arkel

    Barge bottlenecks persist


    One of the largest container networks in Europe says that it expects delays in barge processing to continue at the Ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp so it may have no choice but to introduce a container surcharge.

  • Liebherr says the new crane is a “forward-looking solutions for ports worldwide”

    New flagship MHC for Liebherr


    Liebherr Maritime Cranes is responding to customer needs for larger cargo handling solutions in order to efficiently complete future tasks with a new flagship mobile harbour crane.

  • The consortium says it will focus on improving capacity, efficiency and technology at the terminals

    Morgan Stanley sells Montreal


    Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners has sold Montreal Gateway Terminals (MGT), the leading cargo container facility at Canada’s Port of Montreal, to a consortium that says it’s committed to promoting the port as an international hub.


    India dockers strike postponed


    The proposed dock strike to take place in India this week has been postponed by a week pending talks, says the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF).

  • Oakland’s cargo volumes were hit hard in February, but things are looking up

    US west coast battles cargo backlog


    US west coast ports are working hard to clear months of backlogged cargo as a result of the extensive labour dispute, but it could be three months before there’s a clearing, and even longer before operations are back to ‘normal’.

  • Increasing rates – But where will the money be spent at Melbourne?

    Melbourne rate hike draws criticism


    Proposed rate increases at Australia’s Port of Melbourne are leading to a call for greater transparency when it comes to where the funds are going.

  • Cargo operations at a number of Brazilian ports have slowed due to protests

    Brazilian labour protests block ports


    Protests by truck drivers in 10 of Brazil’s 26 states is affecting the delivery of cargo to a number of the country’s ports, and is likely to impact cargo availability, berthing schedules and loading operations in other places, says marine insurer, Skuld.

  • News

    Spain withdraws stevedoring reform plan


    The Spanish government has withdrawn its proposed stevedoring reform plan, having failed to win the support of the trade unions. Now, the government is to enter into direct negotiations with all concerned to draw up a document that all can support, although whether this will be sufficient to persuade the ...

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    ZPMC helps erect new port in Taiwan


    A heavy-lift vessel belonging to Chinese state-owned ZPMC is reported to have been chartered by the Taiwanese government to transport construction materials to a $100m new port that it is building on the island of Tai Ping (also known as Itu Aba) in the South China Sea.

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    New Montevideo quay reopens rights debate


    Following three years of construction, the new ‘C’ quay has opened at the Uruguayan port of Montevideo. Significantly, the port authority is considering the possibility of putting the operation of all public quays – including ‘C’ - and ship-to-shore cranes out to tender.

  • Trouble ahead: Striking dockers have already disrupted Rotterdam World Gateway. Credit - FaceMePls

    Troubles escalate at Rotterdam World Gateway


    The hope for resumed discussions between Rotterdam World Gateway (RWG) and the unions FNV Havens and CNV Vakmensen regarding employment terms for employees, have hit more trouble.

  • ICTSI says it's Terminal 6 success has been "undermined" by the ILWU workers. Photo: PAgent

    ICTSI pleas for union ‘punishment’ to stop


    International Container Terminals Inc (ICTSI) Oregon is calling for union workers to put an end to their three-year ‘punishment’, which it says is vital to getting the Port of Portland back on track.

  • West coast ports could "face real challenges going forwards" in terms of confidence and competing with east coast trade

    Unfinished business in the US


    Things are slowly picking up at US west coast ports since the ending of recent disruptive labour disputes, but Neil Davidson, senior analyst at Drewry, told Port Strategy they could “face real challenges going forwards”.

  • Staying put: the port has managed to avoid strike action. Credit: Antonio Marín Segovia

    Valencia stevedores call off strikes


    Trade unions representing dock workers at the Port of Valencia have called off 12 days of planned strikes in support of their collective bargain agreement until existing national stevedoring issues in Spain are resolved.

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    Barreiro could be more expensive than envisaged


    Portugal''s Order of Engineers believes that the true cost of the new Barreiro container terminal on the south bank of the Tagus river in Lisbon will be more expensive than originally claimed.

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    Antwerp in docker training collaboration


    OCHA, Antwerp’s dock worker training centre, is to collaborate with APEC-Antwerp/Flanders Port Training Center to organise joint courses for dock workers and operators from ports in other countries.

  • Back on: Piraeus privatisation is reinstated. Credit: Mauro Orlando

    Greece reverses privatisation block


    Under pressure from the European Commission, Greece has reversed its decision to abandon the privatisation of the ports of Piraeus and Thessaloniki.