World News – Page 193

  • News

    LA, Auckland and Ghangzhou buddy up


    The ports of Los Angeles, Auckland and Guangzhou have buddied up to work towards driving increased cooperation for economic fuel development and job growth.

  • News

    PSA invests in Qinzhou container terminal


    PSA International is joining forces with Beibu Gulf Port Group (BPG) and Pacific International Lines (PIL) to operate a new container terminal in Qinzhou City, marking its first venture in the South-Western China region.

  • News

    New concessions for Montevideo and Puerto Bolívar


    The Uruguayan government''s decision to issue a second container terminal tender for the port of Montevideo has been received with surprise by Monetcon, which currently handles containers on the port''s multipurpose quays.

  • News

    Political uncertainty tempers Noatum's Spanish investment


    According to local trade union sources, JP Morgan Infrastructure Fund and Stichting Pensionefonds ABP, the owner of Noatum Ports, is said to be awaiting with interest what will happen in respect of the political situation in Spain before making any major new investment.

  • News

    $4.5bn earmarked for Mexican ports


    In order to meet its objective of seeing both public and private investment of $4.5bn made in ports over the next six years, Mexico''s Transport Ministry (SCT) is to give the go ahead for the expansion and upgrading of a number of key port.

  • Work troubles: Uncertainty surrounding the new labour deal has reared its head at Oakland

    More unrest at Oakland


    The US Port of Oakland has been affected by another minor work stoppage which some say is a reaction to the stemming from the uncertainty surrounding the new labour agreement on the west coast.

  • TC Muriel – Flying the flag for transhipment via Cuba

    Cuba's transhipment success rests on Mariel


    Drewry Shipping Consultants says the new Mariel container terminal, TC Mariel, could help Cuba realise its potential as a regional transhipment hub, now that US relations are thawing, if it can overcome some other obstacles.

  • Growth: SSA’s - operator of Manzanillo International Terminal - forecast is for traffic to grow 6%-7% through the wider canal

    Plugging in


    The competition for post-Canal expansion transhipment traffic is heating up, finds Martin Rushmere

  • Slump: a drop in Russian transit traffic has hit Kotka's container volumes

    The ripple effect


    Russia''s financial quagmire is having an impact on Scandinavian ports, as Alex Hughes reports

  • Growth spurt: Maasvlakte II will add 5m teu additional capacity to Rotterdam this year

    Congestion to overcapacity


    What will Maasvlakte''s capacity jump mean for North Europe’s top ports, asks Felicity Landon

  • Space invader: Melbourne could reach capacity by 2025. Credit: Joseph B

    Cash in the coffers


    AJ Keyes looks at why the drivers behind the mass sell-off of terminal assets in Australia

  • Fees at the Port of Melbourne will remain at 2014-15 levels

    Melbourne fee freeze only part of the solution


    A fee freeze has been imposed by the Victorian government for the Port of Melbourne, but the Australian Logistics Council (ALC) says the outstanding issue of proposed rents to be charged at the port still needs to be resolved.

  • News

    Rosario export cereals business reduced to chaos


    In Argentina, labour disputes are resulting in long delays in the unloading of trucks laden with soya and corn at ports in the Rosario Metropolitan area, which handle 85% of the country''s outbound soya consignments.

  • Caribbean hub: Port Lafito is the first project of its kind in Haiti

    Haiti aims for Caribbean hub status


    Haiti’s first Panamax Port, Port Lafito, has taken another step towards Caribbean hub status with the announcement that Evergreen Marine and King Ocean Services will be using the port as a future port of call.

  • Things are getting back on track at US west coast ports

    US West Coast labour deal clears final hurdle


    The US International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) has approved its labour contract with west coast ports, with 82% of votes in favour of the ratification.

  • ICTSI has qualified for the last stage of the Piraeus tender process

    ICTSI eyes Piraeus stake


    International Container Terminal Services Inc is one of four international companies that bid for the majority stake in Greece’s Port of Piraeus.

  • Flying the flag: the country is moving ahead with concessions at last

    Final go ahead given Brazil port concessions


    The concession plan originally put forward by Brazil''s Ports Secretariat (SEP) some 18 months ago has finally been approved by the Federal Audit Court (TCU). This covers new terminals to be built in the Port of Santos, as well as in the north-eastern state of Pará, involving combined investment of ...

  • Australia's fourth largest container port, Fremantle will go up for auction on a long-term lease

    Fremantle up for sale


    The Western Australian government is looking to sell Fremantle Port to help fund major new projects without adding to debt.

  • Growth: Auckland has not won over locals

    Auckland port protestors unbowed


    Opponents to Ports of Auckland’s plans to expand its footprint into Waitemata Harbour remain unbowed by a compromise proposal, with the Stop Stealing Our Harbour group organising another public protest and MP Winston Peters initiating a Bill to halt the project.

  • News

    Dawei SEZ moves forward, but port stalls


    Japan is enter a trilateral cooperation with Thailand and Myanmar to develop Dawei Special Economic Zone (SEZ), according to official Thai sources.