World News – Page 180

  • New quayside to prepare port for North Sea oil and gas decommissioning and offshore wind sectors

    Dundee ready for UK decommissioning onslaught


    Forth Ports Limited has announced that it plans to make a large investment in the Port of Dundee.

  • New Zealand's Auckland is on the hunt for a new home

    Study group identifies Auckland alternatives


    The Port Future Study’s Consensus Working Group (CWG) has released initial work identifying a long list of areas being considered as options to meet Auckland’s future demand for port activities.

  • Population growth, urbanisation, and increasing global wealth offer growth potential

    Cargotec excited by potential of 'megatrends'


    Finnish cargo-handling giant, Cargotec, has released its 2015 annual review, highlighting ‘megatrends’ which offer new opportunities.

  • Charles Hammond

    Tilbury poised for significant expansion


    Forth Ports is poised for dramatic expansion at the Port of Tilbury after acquiring the adjacent site of the now-closed Tilbury Power Station.

  • Asciano dumps Brookfield for Qube

    Asciano dumps Brookfield for Qube


    Australian freight logistics company, Asciano, has formally rejected a takeover offer by Canada’s Brookfield Asset Management Inc. after it failed to match a higher bid from Asciano’s rival Qube Holdings Ltd.

  • News

    Sydney rebranding precursor to new terminal announcement?


    The Harbour Port Development Partners (HPDP) and the Port of Sydney have announced its proposed new container terminal will be known as Novaporte.

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    JSW eyeing distressed Indian port assets


    Indian conglomerate, JSW Group, is looking to buy debt-laden port assets in the country as part of a strategy to expand its ports capacity, according to a report by Reuters news agency.

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    APM Terminals drives portfolio growth


    APM Terminals has announced that its increased investment capital in 2015 generated $4.2bn in revenue, a profit of $645m on the year before.

  • The Port of Felixstowe will offer a container weighing service ahead of new international regulations

    Felixstowe readies box weighing solution


    The Port of Felixstowe has confirmed that it will offer a container weighing service to ensure UK shippers comply with new international regulations that will come into effect this summer.

  • Obama's budget proves unpopular. Credit: Matt Johnson

    AAPA: Obama's budget a 'disappointment'


    The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) has expressed disappointment in President Obama’s 2017 fiscal budget, calling it ‘grossly imbalanced’.

  • Mismanagement at the Port of Mombasa has led to five bosses getting the sack

    Kenya cancels Mombasa concession


    Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) has sacked five bosses because of the mismanagement of the second container terminal at the Port of Mombasa.

  • The trucks communicate with radar, GPS and wi-fi Credit: Scania

    Rotterdam to take part in platooning challenge


    The Port of Rotterdam has announced that it will be taking part in the European Truck Platooning Challenge, a trial initiated by the Netherlands as part of its 2016 Presidency of the European Union to develop the method further and bring it to people’s attention.

  • Port of Ashdod Credit: ???? ????

    Wildcat strikes to end at Ashdod


    The Israeli government''s Finance and Transport Ministries, the Ashdod Port workers'' committee and the General Federation of Labour (Histdrut) have struck a 10-year deal in respect of reform at Ashdod Port.

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    Nicaragua to build new $400m Caribbean port


    In Nicaragua, the National Port Company (EPN) is planning to build a new terminal at Bilwi, Puerto Cabezas, to accommodate cargo from the north of the country that is currently handled by the ports of Limón, in Costa Rica, and Cortés, in Honduras.

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    Colombia moves on three new ports


    The Colombian Ministry of Transport and the country''s National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) are currently moving ahead with three new port projects: the ports of Antioquia, Puerto Solo (Valle del Cauca) and the Sociedad Portuaria Gráneles del Golfo (Córdoba).

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    Europe and UAE drive DP World growth


    DP World Ltd has announced growth of 3% in 2015 driven largely by European and UAE terminals.

  • Luc Arnouts and Gao Ming sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the Port of Antwerp and ICBC. Photo: Antwerp Port Authority

    Antwerp cements 'Belt and Road' involvement


    Antwerp Port Authority and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) have signed a partnership agreement which aims to bring growth and investment opportunities for both.

  • News

    7,000 workers at risk in Buenaventura


    In Colombia, around 200 port operating companies went on a one-day strike on February 1 to protest against a decision taken by the port authority, Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Buenaventura (SPRBuen), to assume direct responsibility for handling activities. This, claim the incumbent operators, will give SPRBuen an effective monopoly within ...

  • Roberto Roy supports Panama Canal Authority operations

    Legal challenge over Corozal port project


    In Panama, the government minster overseeing the Panama Canal, Roberto Roy, has publicly supported an earlier measure approved by the board of directors of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), which effectively allows it to undertake logistics and port operations, and not simply manage the waterway.

  • Foltz will step down from the GPA after 12 years of service

    Foltz makes way for Lynch at GPA


    The Georgia Port Authority (GPA) has announced that its executive director will step down from his role at the end of the fiscal year, 30 June 2016.