World News – Page 178

  • Wharf-Location.jpg

    Napier readies for next generation


    A proposal to increase Napier Port’s draught at low sea level from 12.8 metres to 14.5 metres, construct a new wharf and extend its harbour shipping channel was this month released for public consultation.

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    ‘Limit capacity’ to NZ hub ports


    New Zealand Shipping Federation executive director Annabel Young has slammed a Napier Port expansion proposal as an exemplary of wasting rate-payers money that will only further over-capitalisation of the local port sector.

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    Corozal fills shortfall


    Panama Canal minister, Roberto Roy, recently highlighted the need for a new port on the Pacific coast in order to maintain Panama''s logistics competitiveness.

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    Venezuela to invest $60m in ports


    The government of Venezuela has announced that it is to invest $60m in its ports via the National Integrated Customs and Exercise Administration (Seniat) and national ports company, Bolivariana de Puertos (Bolipuertos).

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    North Korean ships barred from six Chinese ports


    China has forbid North Korean vessels entering six of its ports, according to a release from the Asahi Shimbun.

  • The WA Nationals have delivered a critical blow to the government's plans to privatise the Port ofFremantle

    WA Nationals scupper plan to sell off Fremantle port


    The Western Australia Nationals have delivered a critical blow to the West Australian government''s plan to privatise Fremantle Port, refusing to support the proposed A$2bn sale, according to local reports.

  • The Port of Antwerp - Belgian ports insist its business as usual following the terrorist attacks in Brussels

    Brussels bombs: ports maintain resilience


    Ports in Belgium insist ‘operations are still going on’ following the devastating terrorist attacks in Brussels which have so far claimed the lives of 34 people and injured hundreds more. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

  • The Port of Melbourne still faces challenges. Credit: Port of Melbourne

    Melbourne issues far from over


    The long-running political impasse over the future of the Port of Melbourne has finally been resolved with the Parliament of Victoria passing legislation to privatise the port. However, market observers believe Melbourne has major challenges ahead.

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    Weak market prompts Abbott Point downgrade


    The weak global coal market has seen ratings agency Moody''s Investor Service downgrade Adani Abbot Point Terminal''s outlook to negative, and its senior secured bank credit facility rating drop to Ba2 from Baa3.

  • The Port of Rotterdam Authority would have to pay €60m corporation tax per year. Photo: Freek van Arkel

    Dutch ports appeal EU tax decision


    A number of port authorities have decided to appeal the European Commission decision which states that Dutch sea ports must pay corporation tax from 1 January 2017.

  • The US General Assembly has agreed a $350m state-backed bond deal for the Port of Virginia

    US government funds Virginia expansion


    The US General Assembly has signed off on an unprecedented $350m state-backed bond deal giving the Port of Virginia the money it needs to expand capacity at Norfolk International Terminals, according to local reports.

  • Limassol port pilots have announced an indefinite strike

    Limassol port pilots on indefinite strike


    Limassol port pilots have announced an indefinite strike starting on Monday April 21, 2016.

  • Tampa pleased with funding commitment. Credit: Tom Wahlin

    Tampa encouraged by funding increase


    Port Tampa Bay commended the Florida Legislature for an increase in the minimum statuary amount for seaport funding through the Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development (FSTED) programme.

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    Ecuador promotes Manta-Manaus corridor


    Ecuador''s Overseas Trade Minister, Diego Aulestia, recently travelled to the Brazilian state of Amazonas to consolidate a trade corridor linking the port of Manta with Brazil''s port of Manaus.

  • Flemming Dalgaard, chief executive of Gulftainer

    Gulftainer registers strong performance in 2015


    The world’s largest privately-owned and independent port operator Gulftainer recorded a strong performance in 2015, with an overall growth of 4% across its global portfolio.

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    ICTSI earnings drop in 2015


    International Container Terminal Services Inc, or ICTSI, posted significantly lower net income in 2015, due to non-cash and one-time charges.

  • The Port of Baltimore had a record year in 2015

    Record year for Port of Baltimore


    Containers and car imports at the Helen Delich Bentley terminal have helped the Port of Baltimore to a record year in 2015, proving that Maryland is ‘open for business’.

  • EU measures threaten to ‘turn back the clock’ at British ports

    Mounting objection to EU port legislation


    The European Parliament has voted to approve port services regulations that are designed to address restrictive practices at EU ports.

  • A development project at Marseille Fos will be reshaped to allay the environmental fears of local residents and authorities

    Environmental concerns over Marseille Fos development


    A key development project at Marseille Fos port will be reshaped to allay the environmental worries of residents and authorities in the area.

  • European port terminal operators are facing increasingly complex and intense competition

    European container port competition ‘complex and intense’


    Container port competition across Europe has become increasingly complex and intense, creating a market in which all players can no longer record growth, according to a recent academic study by Portecomonics.