World News – Page 157

  • Big names in the running for Corozal. Credit: Panama Canal Authority

    Is there a future for Corozal?


    Although APM Terminals, Terminal Link, PSA and Terminal Investment Limited all prequalified to the right to bid for the Panamanian port of Corozal, none finally entered a bid for the concession, which was therefore declared void.

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    Mazatlán to be expanded


    Mexico’s Secretary for Transport and Communications has announced that a tender is to be issued shortly for a $16m expansion of the Port of Mazatlán.

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    Chinese linked to Bahia investment


    Chinese investors have partnered with Bahia Mineração (Bamin) to build the new Porto Sul in the Brazilian state of Bahia.

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    Stevedoring issues put back Algeciras bidding


    Algecrias Port Authority has put back the bidding deadline for those interested in the third container terminal until May 31. This follows unrest in the Spanish ports industry brought about by uncertainties linked to the need to introduce radical changes to the stevedoring model.

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    Auckland reviews subsidiaries’ roles


    Ports of Auckland (PoAL) has initiated a review of the both the Nexus Logistics supply chain joint venture established with Netlogix in late 2014 as well as its Conlinxx subsidiary which manages cargo flow between the seaport and its Wiri (South Auckland) inland port.

  • CentrePort Wellington's recovery plans will include potential redevelopment options. Credit: CentrePort

    CentrePort strategy reviewed


    Majority owner of CentrePort Wellington, the Greater Wellington Regional Council, has requested port management both document its further post-earthquake recovery plans as well as accommodate a longer-term view of potential redevelopment options.

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    LED floodlighting for Auckland


    An estimated annual saving of at least 1.17 Gigawatt hours of electricity - nearly 7% of the port’s total electricity usage - is expected from the first installation of LED floodlighting by Ports of Auckland (PoAL).

  • Kurt Nagle, AAPA president & CEO

    Trump budget to affect US port funding


    President Trump’s fiscal 2018 budget could see significant declines for most federally funded port-related programmes.

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    DPW Australia price hikes ‘could have been higher’


    Controversial stevedoring infrastructure charges introduced by DPW Australia could have been higher if the Port of Melbourne Corporation had carried through with proposed rent rises two years ago, Australia’s competition watchdog has said.

  • Full commercial operations at VICT begin in April

    VICT teething problems overcome


    The new Victoria International Container Terminal in Melbourne has admitted it experienced teething problems in its test start-up of operations but management has expressed confidence for when it begins full operations soon.

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    Australia focus on future infrastructure


    An advisory panel has been set up to guide the Australian Government on infrastructure investment plans through to 2100.

  • US ports received a C+ in the 2017 USACE Infrastructure Report Card

    US port-related infrastructure "long way from adequate"


    The American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) graded America’s marine port infrastructure a C+ in the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card.

  • London Gateway sees more port calls following THE Alliance announcement

    London Gateway benefits from THE Alliance rotation


    The recently finalised port calls for THE Alliance’s new vessel sharing agreement has seen the London Gateway add two additional calls to its rotation.

  • Maersk Lines has announced it will reduce its presence in Algeciras Credit: Michelle Bartsch

    Europe-wide strike action delayed


    The International Dockworkers Council has delayed its Europe-wide day of strike action in solidarity with Spain until March 23.

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    Guangzhou Port looks to share offer


    One of the largest hub ports in South China is planning a share offer in the first half of 2017, seeking financing to expand business, according to a senior company executive.

  • Way forward: Increasing capacity at the Port of Melbourne is just one option Photo: Port of Melbourne

    Melbourne second box port developments


    An independent authority is gathering together the evidence it will consider in developing its future advice to government on a second container port for Australia’s state of Victoria.

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    Rotterdam partners Maersk in blockchain first


    Maersk and IBM are joining up in a new collaboration to use blockchain technology to help change the global, cross-border supply chain.

  • On track: Hutchison Ports UK is seeing the rewards of its heavy investment in rail at the Port of Felixstowe. Credit: Steve Arnold

    Growth and connectivity


    There''s much more to UK ports than Brexit, as Felicity Landon reports

  • Uptick: Turnover is expected to grow at the Port of Quequén. Credit: Puertoquenquen

    Driving port modernisation


    Argentina’s ports are powering ahead with development to meet growing volumes. Alex Hughes reports

  • ILA president Harold Daggett said he hears longshoremen's anger and frustration

    ILA urges US dockers not to strike


    The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) are set to seek immediate emergency meetings with Members of Congress to try and stop US dockers going on strike.