World News – Page 153

  • The Port of Maputo is a diamond that is in the process of being polished.

    Eastern promise


    Ports on the East African coast remain valuable as facilitators of trade, finds Kerry Dimmer

  • Added bonus: Antwerp sees its Deurganck Dock as a 'golden opportunity' to serve the big alliances

    Chances and challenges


    There''s renewed focus on the opportunities for Europe’s ports, as Felicity Landon explains

  • News

    New political scandals undermine Brazilian reform


    Specialists in the Brazilian ports sector believe that the latest set of political corruption scandals could undermine recent changes to ports legislation that seeks to modernise the industry and speed up investment.

  • News

    Go slows undermine Spanish port productivity


    In Spain, the port employers’ association, Anesco, has criticised the decline in productivity of stevedores.

  • Aberdeen Harbour

    BPA calls for better planning ahead of election


    British Ports Association (BPA) called for trade facilitation, fast-tracked planning and connectivity investment, as it issued a briefing ahead of the UK general election on 8 June.

  • Port Tampa Bay

    Port Tampa Bay secures USD$9m funding


    Florida’s Port Tampa Bay will be allocated federal funds of USD$9m towards a $55m project to widen and deepen its Big Bend Channel, in southern Hillsborough County.

  • Funding woes: AAPA members are worried about President Trump's proposed cuts to port grants Photo: Port of Long Beach

    AAPA concern over proposed port funding cuts


    US President Donald Trump has sent Congress a 2018 budget request which, says the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), signals the decline for most federally funded, port-related programmes.

  • ICTSI's Christian R Gonzalez confirmed that the operator is looking at opportunities in Africa

    ICTSI pursues port projects in Africa


    International Container Terminal Services (ICTSI) is pursuing opportunities to bid for new projects in Africa after failing to secure the majority stake in Greece’s port of Thessaloniki, according to an article published by BusinessWorld Online.

  • News

    Duty free fuel in ports post-Brexit


    Creating a duty-free zone for fuel within UK ports could offset the negative impact of the potential re-introduction of customs clearance for UK business post-Brexit, according to managing director of independent logistics business Europa Worldwide Group, Andrew Baxter.

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    Busan plans data centre


    Busan Port Authority (BPA) has announced plans to build an integrated data centre to make the port more competitive.

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    Collision at Abidjan Port


    Images have emerged online of the aftermath of a collision between COSCO’s general cargo ship Da Zhi and a ship-to-shore crane while berthing at Abidjan Port on May 18, just days after the spectacular crane collapse at Dubai’s Jebel Ali port.

  • Mexico is looking for a partner for a multipurpose terminal

    Tampico terminal to be tendered


    In Mexico, Tampico port authority is progressing a tender for the construction, fitting out and operation of a common user multipurpose terminal.

  • Changes to concessions could attract up to $7.5bn in the ports sector

    Brazil changes to boost port appeal


    Brazilian Transport Minister Maurício Quintella has revealed that changes to legislation signed by President Michel Temer could attract up to $7.5bn in the ports sector.

  • Aberdeen Port

    Port markets at risk from GBER distortion


    British Ports Association (BPA) chief executive, Richard Ballantyne, has warned against the distortion of competitive port markets with major public subsidies.

  • TCP port

    Brazil enacts port extension legislation


    New rules to draw investments in ports have been enacted in Brazil at an event attended by President Michel Temer.

  • News

    South Port questions “systematic failings” finding


    South Port has taken issue with a WorkSafe New Zealand finding that “systematic failings” contributed to a port visitor drowning after he lost control of his vehicle and slid off a wharf in late 2015.

  • Design standards are to be reviewed following the poor performance of a CentrePort Wellington building in last November’s earthquake. Credit: CentrePort.

    Wellington damage heralds building review


    New Zealand’s Building and Construction Minister Nick Smith has declared that design standards and building laws need to be reviewed following a recent technical investigation into the poor performance of a CentrePort Wellington building in last November’s earthquake.

  • ACP has given management the green light to go ahead with a possible new tender for the proposed container terminal at Corozal Oeste.

    ACP to re-tender Corozal box terminal


    In Panama, the Board of Directors of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has given the management team authorisation to go ahead with a possible new tender for the proposed container terminal at Corozal Oeste.

  • Improvements will include deepening of the access to the port of Buenaventura. Credit: Ececho I. Coello.

    Major access improvements for Colombian ports


    In Colombia, both the Ministry of Transport and the National Roads Institute (Invías) are planning to put tenders out in 2018 to improve access channels to the ports of Cartagena and Buenaventura.

  • Port of Algeciras has put back the deadline for bids for its third container terminal.

    Algeciras delays bidding deadline again


    The uncertainty over stevedoring reform in Spain has again prompted the Port of Algeciras to again put back the deadline for bids for its third container terminal.