World News – Page 129

  • Port of Gdansk

    Five bids for Port Centralny tender


    Five bids have been placed on a Port of Gdansk Authority (ZPMG) opened tender for the design of Port Centralny.

  • RMTU members cited the port company’s unwillingness to offer a 1%-higher pay rate or to pay workers following last week’s late withdrawal of industrial action

    Lyttelton strike action as mediation fails


    Last week’s gestures of mutual goodwill leading into mediation have failed to result in a breakthrough in the industrial dispute between the Rail and Maritime Transport Union (RMTU) and Lyttelton Port Company (LPC).

  • Port of Melbourne

    Qube Melbourne workers strike over EBA


    Workers at Qube Ports’ Port Melbourne facility have carried out a 48-hour strike following a move by the company to terminate an agreement on salary and conditions.

  • Port of Santos

    Brazil to auction seven more operating licenses


    Brazil will auction seven additional port operating licenses as part of its privatisation plans, a government source has told Reuters.

  • Port of Dover refrigerated cargo terminal

    Dover awards GB£15m DWDR terminal contract


    Buckingham Group Contracting Ltd has been awarded a GB£15m contract to build a Refrigerated Cargo Terminal (RCT) at the Port of Dover''s Dover Western Docks Revival (DWDR) development.

  • Yemen

    UN calls for Yemen ports to remain open to aid


    The UN Security Council has called for ports in Yemen to remain open to allow commercial and humanitarian imports to reach people in need of them.

  • Developments last year included the acquisition of Embraport in Brazil’s Port of Santos, with the terminal being rebranded as DP World Santos

    DP World records strong 2017 results


    DP World reported total revenue of $4.7bn and total profit of $1.2bn in 2017, marking increases of 13.2% and 7.3% respectively from 2016.

  • Louisiana’s St. Bernard Port

    $72m in TIGER grants for port-related projects


    Just five port-related grants totalling US$72.7m have been awarded in Round 9 of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) programme.

  • Shipping lines, including Maersk, has already made alternative arrangements. Credit: Bernard Spragg. NZ

    Brief strike respite for Lyttelton


    Industrial action planned from March 15-20 has been suspended by the Rail and Maritime Transport Union (RMTU) ahead of further mediation with Lyttelton Port Company (LPC).

  • Tens of miles of tailbacks is one potential consequence of Brexit according to parties on both sides of the English Channel Photo: DaveGorman at English Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain

    Brexit could cause tailbacks and food shortages


    Tens of miles of tailbacks and food shortages in Britain: these are some of the consequences that parties on either side of the English Channel have warned could result from the UK’s departure from the EU.

  • The facility has said it would be prepared for UK import border checks Photo: ????? ?????/flickr/CC BY 2.0

    Dublin prepares for post-Brexit reality


    Dublin Port is getting ready for the “inevitability” of border controls following the UK’s departure from the European Union, with Ireland planning to complete construction work on new customs booths and freight inspection points in the city this year.

  • Calls have been made for ports in Wales to be given free port status following the UK’s departure from the European Union

    Calls for Welsh ports to get free port status


    Calls have been made for ports in Wales to be given free port status following the UK’s departure from the European Union.

  • The privatisation of the Port of Thessaloniki has been finalised through a €1.1bn deal Photo: Wouter Menninga/flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

    Port of Thessaloniki privatisation finalised


    The privatisation of one of Greece’s biggest seaports, the Port of Thessaloniki, has been finalised through a €1.1bn deal.

  • SPR and ABP, which owns the port in eastern England, have awarded contracts worth around £10m for development at the facility to support the East Anglia ONE offshore windfarm

    Lowestoft set for £2.5bn offshore windfarm


    The UK’s Port of Lowestoft is set to become home to a £2.5bn offshore windfarm.

  • Port of Oakland

    Oakland five-year plan to benefit community


    The Port of Oakland has released a five-year strategic plan to boost jobs and the economy that pairs business expansion with community benefits.

  • The public is invited to provide input and feedback on the review Photo: Visavis../flickr/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

    Canada’s port authorities set for review


    The Canadian Minister of Transport, Marc Garneau, has launched a modernisation review of the country’s port authorities “to optimise their role in the transportation system”.

  • Mark Simmonds

    £1.7bn of port infrastructure in development


    New research shows that UK ports and terminals have an estimated £1.7bn of port infrastructure investment in the development pipeline.

  • The European Union has raised in the region of €2.4bn to finance some 100 port projects in both Spain and Ireland Photo: Yanni Koutsomitis/flickr/CC BY 2.0

    Spanish and Irish ports receive €2.4bn in EU funds


    A European Commission report has revealed that the European Union has raised in the region of €2.4bn to finance some 100 port projects in both Spain and Ireland, as well as boosting the maritime economy in more peripheral regions of the trading block.

  • The Port of Valencia's northern expansion will only go ahead if the private sector can stump up €400m of investment capital Photo: Marcela Escandell/flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

    Private sector cash needed for Valencia expansion


    The northern expansion of the Port of Valencia, in Spain, will only go ahead if the private sector can stump up €400m of investment capital, says the port authority Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia (APV), or Valenciaport.

  • The Port of Tauranga witnessed a 12.8% increase in revenue to NZ$141.4m Photo: Umedha Shanka Indranath Hettigoda/flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

    New Zealand ports report solid financials


    Solid financial performances have been reported by Ports of Auckland (PoAL), Port of Tauranga and Port Taranaki during the six months to December 31, 2017, with CentrePort Wellington continuing its November 2016 earthquake recovery.