CLECAT - the Voice of Freight Forwarding and Logistics

CLECAT represents the interests of more than 19.000 companies employing in excess of 1.000.000 staff in logistics, freight forwarding and customs services. Multinational, medium and small freight forwarders and Customs agents are all within its membership, making the organisation the most representative of its kind.

European freight forwarders and Customs agents clear around 95% of all goods in Europe and handle 65% of the cargo transported by road, 95% of the cargo transported by air and 65% of cargo transport by ship. Freight forwarders also use rail freight, inland waterways and intermodal transport. They make extensive use of IT systems, dedicated terminals and warehousing to respond to the needs of their customers.

CLECAT has over 20 national organisations of European freight related service providers in its membership. CLECAT also offers the possibility for companies to join on certain conditions.

The association was established in 1958 as the ‘European Liaison Committee of Common Market Forwarders’ – also “Comité de Liaison Européen des Commissionaires et Auxiliaires de Transport du Marché Commun” (CLECAT). We are based in Brussels with a permanent secretariat and offices close to the European institutions.