European Coordinator for the TEN-T Atlantic Corridor

Carlo Secchi

Professor Carlo Secchi was born in Italy on February 4 1944. He was appointed European Coordinator for the TEN-T Atlantic Corridor on 12 March 2014. In addition to his European Coordinator role, Professor Secchi provides consultancy services to various national and foreign research institutes and universities, to Italian public institutions (including CNR – the Italian National Research Council) and the European Union. Mr. Secchi has previously undertaken a TEN-T Coordinator role between July 2009 and December 2013, overseeing the implementation of Priority Project 3 and Priority Project 19 (railways) between France, Spain and Portugal.  Mr. Secchi also chaired the Expert Group on TEN-T financing that contributed to the revision of TEN-T and the launch of the Connecting Europe Facility in 2013.