South America – Page 15

  • Mr Correa said that interest in the project can be put down to the fact that Matamoros occupies an advantageous position, being close to areas of deep water Photo: Pawiis09/Pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons

    $100m development of Matamoros port


    In Mexico, a Puerto de Matamoros development plan that includes a multipurpose terminal will require overall investment of $100m.

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    Renowned international experts will take part in the debates scheduled for the 107th Convention of the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) that, for the first time in its history, will take place in South America, with Valparaiso as its venue.

  • The Port of San Antonio in Chile is handling 18.5m tonnes annually, close to the engineering capacity of the existing infrastructure Photo: KarinaBlackbird/Pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons

    San Antonio operating near capacity


    A study undertaken by the Chilean construction association Cámara Chilena de la Construcción (CchC) has found that the Port of San Antonio is handling 18.5m tonnes annually, close to the engineering capacity of the existing infrastructure.

  • ANTAQ has authorised Chibatão Navegação e Comércio to expand operations by adding 400 m of quay at the Port of Manaus Photo: H. Langos/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 2.5

    Brazil expands handling capacity


    In Brazil, the national waterway transportation agency Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (ANTAQ) has authorised Chibatão Navegação e Comércio to expand operations by adding 400 m of quay at the Port of Manaus.

  • The investment needed in Brazil represents 13% of the total $55bn that CAF calculates will be needed in the region as a whole Photo: DavidRockDesign/Pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons

    Brazil needs US$6.7bn of new infrastructure


    A study drawn up by the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) has warned that Brazil needs to invest $6.67bn in port infrastructure by 2040. This investment is needed if Brazil is to be able to incorporate new technological changes that will enter the sector in the years to come ...

  • 24% of the investment will be in Mexico Photo: CrismarPerez/Pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons

    Carib and Latin America investment shortfall


    The Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, or Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), has issued a study it has undertaken into port investment in Latin America and the Caribbean up to 2040 that suggests a spend of €50bn is necessary over the next two years.

  • Peru’s national port authority's managing director recently said that national ports needed investment totalling $2.014bn Photo: LoggaWiggler/Pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons

    Peruvian ports need $2bn of new investment


    Guillermo Bouroncle, managing director of Peru’s national port authority, Autoridad Portuaria Nacional (APN), recently explained that national ports needed investment totalling $2.014bn.

  • According to Mr Silva, the government is well aware of the negative impact that the political crisis in the country is having on its maritime ports Photo: MRS Movimiento Renovador Sandinista/flickr/CC BY 2.0

    Coup in Nicaragua damages port revenues


    Nicaragua’s Empresa Portuaria Nacional (EPN, or National Port Company) executive president, Virgilio Silva, has said that the government is well aware of the negative impact that the political crisis in the country is having on its maritime ports.

  • ANTAQ has announced five new port terminals will be put out to tender in July and September Photo: gleidiconrodrigues/Pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons

    New round of port tenders in Brazil


    In Brazil, the Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (“National Waterway Transportation Agency”, or ANTAQ) has announced five new port terminals will be put out to tender in July and September.

  • The Chilean Construction Association has calculated that Chile needs to invest $5.242bn in port infrastructure from 2018 to 2027 (image is of Chile) Photo: Free-Photos/Pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons

    Chilean ports need investment


    The Chilean construction association Cámara Chilena de la Construcción has calculated that Chile needs to invest $5.242bn in port infrastructure from 2018 to 2027.

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    Angola to end Caioporto concession


    The Angolan government wants to terminate Caioporto’s concession contract to operate the Caio deep-water port in Cabinda.

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    No pressing need for megaport, say Chile agents


    Carlos Manterola, vice president of Chile’s National Association of Shipping Agents (Asonave), says that while the organisation is not against the construction of a major new deep water port, “now is not the moment” to make the necessary level of investment. Instead, he would like to see the resources spent ...

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    Major investment in Chancay and Ilo


    The Chinese ambassador in Lima has stated that Cosco Shipping Holdings is to build and manage the Port of Chancay, which is located some 58 kilometres north of the Peruvian capital. It will invest $2bn.

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    Decision imminent on Salaverry concession


    Proinversión is due to decide imminently on the concession for the Multipurpose Port Terminal at the Peruvian Port of Salaverry.

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    Antaq lengthens Pará concessions consultation


    Brazil’s National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq) put back until June 4 public consultation of six proposed new terminal operations at ports in the state of Pará. Five of these will be at the Port of Belém and a sixth at the Port of Vila do Conde. All will handle a ...

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    Haulier strike all but paralyses Santos trade


    A strike by truck drivers in Brazil, which has lasted for more than a week, has badly affected exports from the Port of Santos, which claims it has caused losses of $100m to the shipping sector. The claim was made by the Organisation of Maritime Shipping Agencies of the State ...

  • São Mateus Port Complex, which is to be built in the north of Espírito Santo, will cover an area of 1.5 million sq m and have 5200 metres of quay (image is of the state of Espírito Santo) Photo: Trilhando Montanhas/flickr/CC BY-NC 2.0

    Odebrecht awarded port construction contract


    Odebrecht Engineering & Construction (OEC) has signed a contract with Petrocity Portos to build a multipurpose port in the state of Espírito Santo.

  • Chile lacks a general ports law, which ports believe is now essential going forward Photo: freejpg/Pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons

    Chile in need of new ports law


    The Ibero-American Institute of Maritime Law has come out in support of the creation of a new maritime law for Chile.

  • In Costa Rica, the Infrastructure Division of the Comptroller General's Office has asked for better supervision of the concession contract for the Port of Moín Photo: RonnyK/Pixabay/CC0 Creative Commons

    Criticism of Moín build oversight


    In Costa Rica, the Infrastructure Division of the Comptroller General''s Office has asked for better supervision of the concession contract for the Port of Moín, which is being developed by APM Terminals.

  • The plan, which is being drawn up by the National Ports Administration in association with the port community, will include new operating and commercial areas (image is of Uruguay) Photo: Marcelo Campi/flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

    Uruguay master plan due mid-2018


    Víctor Rossi, Uruguay’s Transport & Public Works Minister, has revealed that a new Master Plan for the country''s ports, covering 2018–2035, will be introduced by mid-year.