Products & Services – Page 53

  • Bromma are turning their attention to greener product solutions

    Growing orders for greener spreaders


    Bromma has so far won contracts for nearly 300 all electric crane spreaders for service in automated or semi-automated terminal environments.

  • Bristol will provide the UK’s first commercial hydrogen ferry passenger service

    UK city port to get hydrogen ferry


    A hydrogen powered ferry is nearing completion in the UK port city of Bristol and is due to be launched commercially in the harbour this autumn.

  • Sergey B Ivanov has said that Russia is intending to modernise its ports

    Green partnership for Rosmorport


    Rosmorport has begun a “strategic co-operation” with Cargotec that should help the Russian body to upgrade its ports and give the Finnish equipment manufacturer a sales platform.

  • The market for wood pellets is at present estimated at 10 million tonnes a year but its predicted to grow sharply

    Biomass markets spur port development


    Energy derived from biomass products is becoming increasingly significant around the globe with the concern for sustainability and security of supply - and with it comes a need for large-scale biomass bulk terminals in ports.

  • Ports may be helped to adapt to the threats of climate change with the help of a new IMO environmental compensation fund.

    Fund to help ports adapt to climate change


    The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has participated at a United Nations Committee on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) meeting to explore how ports should prepare for the threat of climate change.

  • News

    GL examines MEPC 62 outcome


    Germanischer Lloyd has held its traditional recap of the latest session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of IMO, focusing on the “groundbreaking developments” at the 62nd session.

  • Port of Oakland

    First cold-ironing birth at Port of Oakland


    USA -- The Coalition for Responsible Transportation (CRT) commended one of its members, APL, for becoming the first container shipping line to "cold-iron" at the Port of Oakland.

  • Orange Blue Terminal in Eemshaven

    Buss terminal to support wind power industry


    The Netherlands -- Operations for the Orange Blue Terminal started in August. The Hamburg-based port and logistics services provider, Buss, took over Orange Blue Terminal from Groningen Seaports in July.

  • Hamburg Port Authority

    Hamburg Port Authority invites delegates on a tour after Congress


    A tour of Hamburg Port will take place on the morning of Friday, 16th September 2011 for delegates at the GreenPort Congress (14th & 15th September).

  • News

    Martin Engineering acquires Clean Cat


    USA -- Martin Engineering, a global supplier of systems and services to improve the handling of bulk materials, has taken another step in its expansion into India with the acquisition of an Indian manufacturer of conveyor components and systems, Clean Cat Conveyors Pvt Ltd., of Goa.

  • Bromma Green Zone logo

    Bromma Roadmap keeps spreader operations in a “green zone”


    Stockholm-based Bromma has introduced a new suite of terminal productivity tools designed to keep spreader operations in a “green zone” of higher performance. Bromma Roadmap™ is the first Green Zone™ application to be developed specifically for port operations management and the terminal service manager.

  • News

    Equipment deal signed for new green bulkers


    French company JLMD Ecologic Group reports that it has agreed to equip the future fleet of Louis Dreyfus Armateurs ‘green’ bulk carriers, which will be built in China, with its fast oil recovery system (FOR) system.

  • Dimitrios Theologitis

    Defining the ‘Green Port’ concept


    The keynote speech of the GreenPort Congress on 14th September 2011 is to be presented by Dimitrios Theologitis of the European Mobility Network Directorate, says event organiser Mercator Media Ltd.

  • Cruise ship

    GreenPort Cruise goes before Congress


    On 13th September 2011, the day before GreenPort Congress, delegates are invited to visit the new cruise facilities in Altona or to see a presentation of the new harbour city area, combined with a harbour boat trip.

  • ESPO

    ESPO, EFIP & ECOPORTS support GreenPort Congress 2011


    GreenPort Congress is pleased to have the support of these key industry associations for the 2011 event.

  • Cargotec has delivered more than 100 straddle carriers to HHLA over the years. The terminal operator recently placed an order for 14 Kalmar 7+ generation ESC350W units.

    HHLA orders 14 Kalmar straddle carriers with eco-friendly technology


    Hamburg terminal operator HHLA (Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG) has placed an order with Cargotec for 14 Kalmar 7+ generation ESC350W diesel-electric straddle carriers.

  • consultation EU Commission

    Reducing pressure on Europe's coastal and marine areas


    The European Commission has launched a public consultation to explore options for future EU action on Maritime Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management. The Commission is seeking the views of all interested individuals and organisations. The consultation runs for eight weeks.

  • © UNESCO/Cabildo de Fuerteventura

    Environmental guidelines for Ports


    The European Commission published its Guidance Document on the implementation of Birds and Habitats Directives in estuaries and coastal zones with particular attention to port development and dredging and is commonly referred to as the ‘port environmental guidelines’.

  • Conductix-Wampfler’s drive in solution will be applied at Yilport

    Drive-in on the Bosporus


    Yilport Container Terminal (part of the Yildirim Group) is to convert 18 diesel-powered Rubber Tired Gantry cranes (RTGs) to electrical operation.

  • News

    Paint research


    San Diego''s Board of Port Commissioners has approved a series of projects costing $US500k to help develop non-toxic alternatives to copper-based hull paints.