Products & Services – Page 49

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  • Delegates at Gas Fuelled Ships 2011

    Gas Fuelled Ships programme announced


    The provisional programme has been released for the Gas Fuelled Ships Conference 2012, organised by Mercator Media Ltd, which will take place from 12-14 September in Bergen, Norway.

  • Mr Koji Sekimizu, secretary general, IMO. Photo: IMO

    IMO renews commitment to sustainability


    The IMO has publicly renewed its commitment to sustainable development in the maritime industry this week and given feedback on its input to the Rio+20 conference held recently in Brazil.

  • Rio+20 is aiming to make the oceans more sustainable Photo: Bob Shavelson/Marine Photobank

    UN sustainability conference Rio+20


    The UN''s 10-yearly UN Sustainable Development Conference, called Rio+20, is taking place this week (15-22 June) in Rio de Janeiro.

  • Container, tanker and bulk customers of MAN showed a positive reaction to slow steaming, according to the company’s survey

    MAN reports slow steaming research


    MAN Diesel & Turbo has undertaken a survey of its customers in the container, bulk and tanker industries to determine attitudes towards slow steaming - particularly with regards to fuel savings and emissions.

  • David Tongue, ICS Regulatory affairs director - shipping is the greenest form of commercial transport

    ICS: Shipping provides green growth


    At a recent event during the United Nations Rio+20 Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, ICS revealed that industry can learn a great deal from shipping as it''s the greenest form of commercial transport.

  • RINA’s Green Plus update now includes the cargo dust hazard

    RINA updates Green Plus rules


    International classification society RINA has updated its Green Plus notation to include more potential sources of pollution involving seagoing ships and ships operating at fixed locations.

  • The 16 tonne capacity Hyster forklift trucks will mean fuel saving for Zuidnatie

    Green order success for Hyster


    Following the successful introduction of two new Hyster empty container handlers at the Port of Antwerp, port and logistics expert, Zuidnatie, has just invested in seven new low emission Hyster forklift trucks for its operations.

  • The ‘Blue Energy’ workshop will be hosted by the Port of Ramsgate

    A PATCH on ‘Blue Energy’


    PATCH’s (Ports Adapting To Change) ‘Blue Energy’ workshop, hosted by the Port of Ramsgate, will take place later this month on 22 June 2012.

  • ICS chairman Masamichi Morooka: “We must avoid the potential for chaos”

    ICS speaks on ballast water ‘chaos’


    The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has expressed genuine concerns identified among its members about the availability and expense of ballast water treatment systems and the robustness of the approval process.

  • The SHOAL prototype has been tested in Spain

    Pollution control robotic fish tests


    Researchers have tested a pollution detecting robotic fish prototype in the Spanish Port of Gijon – the new technology aims to help authorities monitor pollution levels in ports and harbours and avert potential problems.

  • Lead partner in the PATCH project - AGHO Oostende in Belgium

    Not backward - just smaller


    It''s not that the port industry is necessarily a conservative one, explains Simona Margarino of the Ports Adapting to Change (PATCH) initiative, “its more that they don''t easily benefit from innovation, as they are often limited in their resources.”

  • Efficiency is the name of the game for CTech

    New online tool for eco-efficiency


    Fathom, a global market intelligence company for the marine, energy and environmental industries, has launched an online analysis tool to compare all eco-efficient technologies available for the shipping industry.

  • WMS president and chief executive officer, Dag Schjerven

    Wilhelmsen - ‘Green makes sense’


    Wilhelmsen Maritime Services (WMS) president and chief executive officer, Dag Schjerven, emphasised the need for a green shipping ethos at the EXPO 2012 in Korea this week.

  • ‘Bit Oktania’ at Götaverken for maintenance and retrofitting

    Damen retrofitting for emission regs


    With increasing demand for fleets to be fitted with emission reduction systems in light of the new emission requirements coming into effect in 2015 – Damen Shiprepair is doing its best to up the ante in terms of lowering installation costs.

  • News

    ESPO workshop on LNG bunkering


    Around 50 participants gathered in last month in Zeebrugge to attend an internal ESPO workshop on LNG bunkering.

  • News

    Unique dredging method at Stockholm


    The Ports of Stockholm has become one of the first in the world to use a novel method of dredging – freeze dredging – to extend a quay at Frihamnen.

  • OECD secretary general, Angel Gurría Photo: OECD

    OECD driving greener growth


    “Better connected transport will drive greener growth” – that was the key message from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), at the annual summit of transport ministers held in Leipzig.

  • iCargo aims to improve the efficiency of the supply chain

    iCargo aims to improve logistics


    The pan-European cargo and logistics project part funded by the EU, iCargo, has formally launched a three year programme designed to improve the performance of global logistics.

  • RINA is helping shipowners to save on fuel

    RINA focuses on fuel savings


    International classification society RINA has launched a new complete package to help shipowners save fuel and reduce emissions.