This year’s two-day conference is packed with exciting key topics, challenges and opportunities that ports face internationally and in the USA.
The Provisional programme has been expanded this month with high calibre speakers and critical topics that can be heard at GreenPort Congress at the Baltimore Convention Center, hosted by Helen Delich Bentley, Port of Baltimore, the Maryland Department of Transportation, and the Maryland Department of the Environment.
Industry leaders share their success stories about keeping pace with development and growth. At this year’s conference, held this year at the Baltimore Convention Center from 16-17 May, hear about new technology - sustainable supply chains, the mitigation of climate change through coastal ecosystem management and cities developing resilience strategies whilst developing ‘smart city technologies’.
This forward-thinking conference will guide you into the future by giving you the chance to hear about the sustainability strategies of ports and the importance of green ports in the future and further developments of ports worldwide. Best practice examples along with the collaboration of the seaport communities
Sessions include:
- Adapting to Climate Change – What strategies and technologies are ports adopting to address climate change?
- Innovative techniques & technologies to support dredging – How can ports work smarter by introducing recycling?
- Collaboration between ports and shipping – What ship operators are doing to embrace sustainability, meet regulations and prepare for the future.
- Interactive forums discussing environmental performance and monitoring of ports.
The fun program, with continued concurrent sessions and streams providing delegates more choice, can be found here.
Book Now and save 15% - Early Bird offer closes 28 February!
Don’t miss out on saving over $200 by booking today with our early bird booking offer and reserve your place at the GreenPort Congress.
For more information on participating in the GreenPort Congress 2018, visit our website
Or contact:
For America - Lucy Clifford - Head of Sales - America - Tel 001 (410) 212 8723 or email
For Europe and the rest of the world - The Events team - Tel +44 1329 825335 or email