North America – Page 91

  • News

    AAPA concerned over funding shortfall


    The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) is worried that next year''s federal budget provides no funds to meet port facility security requirements despite being authorised in the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA). AAPA president, Kurt Nagle, said:

  • East Blair Waterway: developing market properties

    Tacoma teams up with tribe


    The Port of Tacoma Commission and the Puyallup Tribe Council have signed an economic development agreement, setting the stage for additional maritime expansion on the East Blair Waterway.

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    International Container Terminals Services Inc (ICTSI) is to invest $15m at its Tecon Suape container terminal located in north-eastern Brazil. The new investment, which will bring ICTSI''s total investment to date at Tecon Suape up to a level of $55m and includes funds for two new post-Panamax cranes and new ...

  • Hapag Lloyd . . . doing the Lambada



    There has been a serious re-shuffling of the alliances on the trade routes between Europe and South America as lines seek to get to grips with an uncomfortable balance between imports and exports. Rainbow Nelson reports.

  • News

    US Customs looks to cut out doubling up


    US Customs has rejected calls to take manifest details about export goods direct from other Customs agencies, saying it is unworkable.

  • News

    US seeks IMO standards for company security officers


    However, assistant US Customs attache Peter Darvas said it will try to make the task easier by researching ways to make its systems more compatible with those used in other countries.The US wants the IMO to oversee the standards of shore-based company security officers under the auspices of the ISPS ...

  • AAPAs Nagle: applaudes TSA

    U.S. ports welcome grants but heed shut-down warning


    US ports seeking federal grants for 1,065 security enhancement measures have learned that 442 of the plans will be funded. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) named recipients of $179,025,900 in the third round of federal grants for port security.

  • News

    San Antonio to build new terminal


    Applications totalling over $987m had been submitted by ports across the country seeking funding assistance in order to comply with new U.S.Empresa Portuaria San Antonio has issued terms and conditions covering the construction of a new container terminal which will be located 105km from the Chilean capital Santiago. This will ...

  • News

    Montreal beats New York


    At present, container terminals at these ports are divided into completely separate berth operations, often managed by totally distinct stevedoring outfits employing a bewildering variety of loading and handling systems. As part of the new scheme, all these operations will be integrated with the aim of driving down costs by ...

  • News

    Itaqui upgrades


    The Brazilian port of Itaqui is to receive investment totalling $68m over the next four year to fund upgrading and expansion work. $61m will come from the Federal Government and $6.82m from the state. Transport minister Anderson Aduato noted that although Brazil has some 30 ports only about five or ...

  • News

    Privatisation a must in Peru


    Calls have been made in Peru for the immediate privatisation of the ports of Paita and Callao, the latter being the main gateway for the capital, Lima. Both require investment totalling $300m which local pundits believe is beyond the capability of any state-run agency. However, others are opposed to the ...

  • News

    Baranquilla: legislation will boost role


    Legislation recently passed by the Colombian parliament may have the effect of boosting the importance of the Pacific coast port of Barranquilla. The new law makes it easier to put together viable public-private partnerships in the maritime sector meaning that privatisation of ports should become a lot easier. This, it ...

  • SWAN endured 9-metre waves

    New post-Panamax cranes for PAMT


    Two new post-Panamax container cranes have arrived at Philadelphia' s Packer Avenue Marine Terminal (PAMT), operated by Greenwich Terminals LLC. The cranes, built by Hyundai Heavy Industries, have an outreach of 45.7m and are capable of a 65-tonne twin 20' lift. On a dramatic voyage from Busan via the Cape ...

  • News

    Halifax LNG plant by 2007


    Access Northeast Energy (ANE) of Halifax, Nova Scotia is in the initial stages of building a $376m LNG plant at the ice-free port of Bear Head, Nova Scotia. ANE is conducting a technical and economic feasibility study as well as an environmental assessment of the site.

  • News

    Santos inland access improvement


    Permission to seek tenders has been granted for Santos to improve its land access with a $278m project to segregate rail and highway traffic into the port, as well as divert heavy vehicles away from municipalities. Santos is responsible for 26.7% of all Brazilian exports and 25.5% of imports, making ...

  • Long Beach: ship emissions a leading source of air pollution

    Long Beach cuts coke dust


    The percentage of petroleum coke dust found in samples collected around the port in the first quarter of this year shows a 7% concentration, only slightly higher than the 6% found in the first quarter of 2002. The concentration remains down significantly from the 21% in 1996 and the 19% ...

  • The breakwater: dimensions not defined by ports traffic volumes Figure 1: Ways to differentiate port dues Figure 2: Alternative strategies underlying a Port Authority tariff in a highly competitive globalised market

    Feinstein concerned over uranium shipment


    " I think this is a case in point which established the soft underbelly of national security and homeland defence in the United States, " Californian democratic senator, Dianne Feinstein stated recently.

  • News

    Pre-feasibility study for new Panama Canal in October


    Consultants Parsons Brinkerhoff International and Montgomery Watson-Harza are due to present a prefeasibility study for the Panama Canal expansion project this month with final studies then to be undertaken in 2004. The new Canal project is being driven by the ever-expanding size of the world' s maritime fleet, of which ...

  • Perdue: 10,800 new jobs

    GPA reports growth at both ports


    Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue has announced a $110m project at Savannah that will expand the capacity of the Garden City Terminal by 20% increasing what is already claimed to be the largest single terminal container facility on the coast between Maine and Texas.

  • Tacoma: largest single capital improvement contract

    Evergreen gets new Tacoma terminal


    The port of Tacoma has awarded the largest single capital improvement contract in its history. ICON Materials, the low bidder, will manage construction of a new container terminal for Evergreen America Inc.