Four great reasons to attend this leading event; Discover the latest in sustainable environmental practices; Develop industry stakeholder relationships; Be at the heart of the conversation; Visit HAROPA Port!

Samuel Salamagnon-0720

Samuel Salamagnon-0720

Discover - GreenPort Congress & Cruise brings together the whole port community with a meeting place to learn, discuss and share knowledge on the latest in sustainable environmental practice.

The conference promotes collaboration and debate on the challenges and opportunities affecting the industry, whilst enabling conference delegates and participants to establish and build on relationships through the networking opportunities on offer.

It is a place for industry professionals to meet and discuss innovation, economic and environmental considerations as well discuss how to balance environmental challenges with economic demand. The conference will develop partnerships that will help build a sustainable future.

Develop – In person networking is a key aspect of any conference and GreenPorts Congress & Cruise offers unique opportunities to exchange information and developments with experts in the sector and fellow attendees including xxx [name key companies].

Be at the heart - LeHavre, part of HAROPA Port, is France’s number one logistics hub with a port complex possessing a total of over 16,000 hectares of area, 12 million sq. m of warehousing space along the Seine Axis. With connections to every continent, and in the top 20 for the world’s most connected ports, LeHavre and HAROPA are the perfect place to host GreenPort Congress & Cruise.

Visit – Join us for a tour of HAROPA Port in LeHavre for an opportunity to gain first hand knowledge and examples of what is discussed over the 2-days.

This year, delegate places for the combined event include the following:

  • Choice of conference streams for GreenPort Cruise on day 1
  • Two-day conference attendance at GreenPort Congress
  • Full documentation in electronic format
  • Lunch and refreshments throughout
  • Place at the Welcome Reception (22nd October 2024)
  • Place at the Gala Dinner (23rd October 2024)
  • Place at the Port Tour (25th October 2024)

Just 3 weeks remaining to secure your place at our early bird rate. Book today and save 20% by using the code GPCEARLY for discounts on Combined rates and GPCrEARLY for discounts on Cruise rates. You can also contact our delegate team at