Yoshioka Tatsuya, Founder and Director of Peace Boat Group, Japan’s largest cruise organisation, will speak on day one of GreenPort Cruise 2019.
Tatsuya will present in session 4 as part of the Cruise stream covering the topic of ‘the Peace Boat Ecoship’, a solution for a low-carbon future in the cruise industry, enabling the reduction of 40% of CO2 emissions.
Ecoship will be a flagship for sustainability and commitment to global climate action. Founded in 1983, Peace Boat is a thriving social business that has organised over 100 voyages, including 68 around-the-world cruises. Peace Boat combines commercial cruise elements with lifelong learning, and innovative people-to-people exchange programs.
See the full programme here.
Yoshioka has addressed United Nations’ bodies on issues including a culture of peace, and is a Nobel Peace Prize nominee.
The Ecoship is the next stage of Peace Boat’s journey to promote peace, human rights and sustainability around the world. The development has been as radical as the ship itself; the design process involved an international team bringing together expertise from a diverse range of specialities in both marine and land-based industrial sectors.
The Ecoship Project aims to challenge the status-quo and has set itself a radical set of targets to demonstrate what is possible, and necessary for the industry to exist in a sustainable world.
Take a look at the other experts speaking at GreenPort Cruise & Congress 2019 here.
For more information, or to book your place, contact the events team on +44 1329 825335 or email congress@greenport.com.