Latest News – Page 865

  • Simon Bennett

    Reducing shipping’s CO2 emissions: what next after Copenhagen?


    Simon Bennett, secretary, International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), reviews the Copenhagen Conference and the implications for the global shipping industry

  • Shanghai has suffered less from the downturn than Hong Kong

    Worlds apart


    The previously intimate Shanghai and Hong Kong now seem like strangers, as Stevie Knight discovers

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    Harbour masters in ‘the Chain’


    In today’s maritime world, the role of the Harbour Master is critical not just for the effi cient docking and handling of vessels, but also in protecting the port environment, writes Ingrid Römers, Secretary of the European Harbour Masters’ Committee

  • News

    LA to assess fuel-cell trucks


    Port of Los Angeles is vying with neighbouring Long Beach in implementing a series of initiatives aimed at improving the port’s environmental performance. The port is entering into negotiations with Los Angeles based Vision Industries for the purchase and evaluation of Vision’s hydrogen fuel cell hybrid electric trucks.

  • The new RTGs on arrival

    ICTSI gets new cranes for Manila Terminal


    International Container Terminal Services, Inc (ICTSI) recently took delivery of eight new rubber tyred gantries (RTGs) for its flagship, Manila International Container Terminal (MICT). Four of these new RTGs have been successfully commissioned and are now in use at the terminal.

  • Port Strategy: How stupid can you get? Credit: Gilles DeCruyenaere

    Dumb and dumber


    There are still some very strange things that go on in the ports sector – things that unless you have a vested interest don’t seem to add up at all.

  • News

    The DAB selection guidelines


    When choosing between a full term DAB or an ad-hoc DAB the parties should balance the advantages and disadvantages of each. The following factors should be considered:

  • Sound travels long distances under water

    Harbour noise and marine life


    Underwater noise in harbours is potentially damaging to marine mammals and fish. Increasingly, scientists are researching and publishing data on the impacts of various sources of underwater noise on different species. Eelco Leemans and Annemarie Kats of the North Sea Foundation explain

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    A vision for Greenport operations


    DNV Climate Change Services North America explores the growing pressure on ports to balance emission reductions initiatives with the need to maintain commercially competitive facilities and operating conditions

  • FTA believes that the draft statement should pave the way

    Trade body welcome UK ports statement


    The UK’s Freight Transport Association (FTA) has welcomed the Department for Transport’s (DfT) long-awaited National Policy Statement for ports. The trade body believes that the draft statement should pave the way for much-needed port development, thereby securing a brighter future for the UK’s economy.

  • News

    Green Marine revises performance indicators


    During the course of last summer, three technical committees composed of Green Marine participants held a series of meetings to discuss the addition of new issues to the Environmental Programme and the development of revisions to the current performance indicators.

  • The modernisation of the Middle Harbor

    A port transformed: five years of the Green Port policy


    Long Beach’s transformation into an environmental leader among seaports began five years ago this month with approval of the Green Port Policy

  • Port Strategy:NICTI's experience of outsouring maintenance at its Japanese terminal has so far been pain-free

    Preparation key to securing expert third party management


    Although the contract with the external services company at Naha is still in its early days, NICTI''s president Edgardo Q Abesamis says, to date, there have been no bad experiences; to the contrary, things have run smoothly.

  • News

    An even keel


    Peter Smith and Catherine Gates discuss the worth of Dispute Adjudication Boards for port construction contracts

  • Port Strategy:"Using third party suppliers gives you the advantage of being able to call on a service 24 hours a day 365 days a week," Emilio Benavent, Terminales Marítimas del Sudeste

    Outsourced maintenance


    Smaller terminals are sticking to third party equipment maintenance service plans, as Alex Hughes finds out

  • All four ships involved in the incident

    Braemar Howells team averts environmental incident


    Christmas celebrations were put on the backburner as staff from incident response specialists Braemar Howells worked round the clock to prevent a potential environmental disaster off the UK coast at Falmouth, Cornwall.

  • News

    DPW announces environment award winners


    Global terminal operator DP World has announced the winners of its 2009 Safety and Environment Awards for Excellence. “This year we received a total of 69 submissions; the variety of risks being tackled clearly demonstrating that there is a lot of effort being made to improve safety and environmental performance ...

  • Lease agreement signing ceremony

    HPH signs for new Port Botany terminal


    Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) has signed an agreement with Sydney Ports Corporation (SPC) that clears the way for the development and operation of the Third Terminal (T3) at Port Botany, Australia.

  • News

    Vessel operators help improve San Diego air quality


    A voluntary programme to get cruise and cargo vessel operators to reduce ship speeds when travelling to and from San Diego Bay is working. Cruise and cargo vessel operators are asked to reduce vessel speeds when travelling in an area that extends 20 nautical miles seaward from Point Loma.

  • News

    Growing Emissions Will Cost Transport Sector


    Transport companies can gain competitive advantage by adding sustainable solutions and capabilities to their services as volume returns to the market, says Erik Van Baaren, senior transport industry analyst at independent business analyst, Datamonitor.