Latest News – Page 841

  • Will debt reduction strategies put more hurdles in the way of ports' growth?

    Creating hurdles, not solutions


    The latest G20 meeting resulted in a communique that endorses austerity and debt reduction.

  • Consider installing solar panels on suitable roofs, since sun energy is fairly predictable - even in northern climates

    Give as you get


    Looking toward energy generation, the port of Los Angeles’ latest initiative is the first completed phase of a 71,500sq ft roof-top solar system capable of generating 3.5 million kilowatt hours annually.

  • WWL’s terminal aims to grab a whole slice of the automotive supply chain

    Saving yourself


    It takes more than simple number crunching to meet green targets. Stevie Knight looks for passion behind the policies

  • News

    Northern ports gain link with Poland


    A new Polish hinterland terminal has just opened near Katowice, bringing the southern Polish economic region of Silesia closer to the Port of Hamburg and linking up with the northern European seaports of Hamburg, Bremerhaven and Rotterdam through daily rail connections.

  • The new channel will allow box ships coming in from the Med direct access to SCCT

    Suez side channel coming soon


    A new side channel leading directly to East Port Said, allowing box ships coming from the Mediterranean to enter the Suez Canal Container Terminal without having to join the Suez Canal convoy, could open ahead of plan.

  • Haiti’s lack of will to properly repair the port is hampering aid. Photo: US Navy

    Haiti’s pledges may remain unfulfilled


    Haiti’s lack of movement on getting its port infrastructure working again is seriously hampering aid coming into the country, the chief executive of a customs and logistics company has said.

  • A simulated model of Itajai is giving its port staff a feel for container vessels

    Itajai draws on virtual experience


    The port of Itajai in Brazil is once again open to large container vessels after its sudden silting two years ago by flash floods.

  • News

    Extreme damage threat for forklifts


    A cold winter, followed by a hot spell can cause significant problems to some handling units, since wear on working surfaces is exacerbated by extremes of temperature, causing potholes which can damage equipment like forklift trucks, according to manufacturer Jungheinrich.

  • Small deviations from loading plans can cause structural instability. Photo:Jurii

    Iron ore loading limits


    Liquefaction is not the only danger when it comes to loading iron ore.

  • In common with the rest of their industry, insurers are facing a challenging summer

    Quantitative review little threat to ports


    Most insurers, including those covering the risks of port and terminal operators, are on course to make reasonable profits this year, but they are facing a challenging summer.

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    Night vision cameras with variety


    Flir has upgraded a number of its security camera systems; its PT-Series, F-Series and D-Series Multi-Sensor thermal outdoor domes now allow operators to see intruders in total darkness and in bad weather.

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    PortVision gives greater insight


    PortVision has enhanced its web-based vessel tracking, management and analysis service to provide greater insight into vessel activities in most major US ports and regions and over 50 international ports.

  • Port Strategy: Mormugao port is insisting on independent sampling and assessment of iron ore shipments before the ship can leave the port

    Awed by ore


    The loading of iron ore is fraught with danger. Michael King investigates means of reducing risk

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    Business intelligent software for Columbian port


    The Port of Cartagena (SPRC) in Colombia has implemented business intelligence software, Navis Analytics and Navis Monitor.

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    Brazilian port to get Antwerp training hand


    Antwerp Port Authority chief executive Eddy Bruyninckx paid a working visit to the Brazilian cities of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia recently, signing a collaboration agreement with the federal Secretaria de Portos da Presidência da República.

  • Plan routes to reduce the distance travelled

    Alternative solutions to the power problem


    Until hydrogen power becomes more of a reality and less of an aspiration, there are other ways and means to save money on the operation of terminal tractors and trailers.

  • News

    UAE cash to expand Poti


    The port of Poti in Georgia is to receive investment of $500m from Ras Al Khaimah of the United Arab Emirates over the next four to five years.

  • Surging volumes are putting pressure on transport links to ports

    Indian infrastructure talks take in concerns


    Discussions on infrastructure were the focus of a meeting between APMT and the Indian government officials as this issue in particular continues to be an area of concern for shippers and port operators alike.

  • Cape Town’s integration means better berth and infrastructure availability. Photo: Simisa

    Cape Town manages a quick mop up


    Restructuring has assisted in post-industrial action recovery at South Africa''s ports, according to operator Transnet Port Terminals (TPT).

  • Dover will need to publish more information before going ahead. Photo: P.Kuczynski

    Call for more discussion on trust port plans


    Despite the Port of Dover taking advantage of the UK government''s ‘austerity speeches’ by saying that its plans to opt out of trust status were in line with the government strategy, there has now been a ministerial call for more discussion.