Latest News – Page 766

  • Potentially explosive reefer containers are causing disruption at US ports

    Explosive issue for US ports


    Over the last few days, some ports in the US have been dealing with a potentially explosive issue – suspect reefer containers apparently at risk of explosion.

  • NOAA’s predicted trajectories for the debris field - the red zone may be affected this year. Photo: Courtesy of J. Churnside, NOAA; created using Google.

    Floating tsunami debris threat to US ports


    A 25 million tonne marine debris field created by the Japanese tsunami back in March is currently floating across the North Pacific and will reach Hawaii by this winter, according to experts.

  • Hong Kong’s collision rate in 2010 compares favourably with rates of 20 years before

    Aviation model may answer challenge


    Since the convergence of many different vessels is becoming a serious risk issue for a growing number of ports, there may now be a case for promoting an ‘aviation’ model for marine traffic management.

  • The MAJ is getting tougher on ship waste

    Jamaica gets tough on ship waste


    Protection of the Caribbean Sea and the MARPOL Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships took centre stage in Jamaica this week.

  • News

    California cleans up its trucks


    The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have announced that trucks older than 2006 will be banned from its port terminals next year.

  • Auckland prefers transparency and co-operation over conflict with surrounding residents

    Keeping the neighbours on side


    In addition to its proactive activities, Ports of Auckland also has systems in place to deal with complaints from local residents.

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    Loss of rail increases congestion at Manzanillo


    Legal problems that resulted in rail operator Ferromex being banned three times from calling at the Mexican port of Manzanillo have resulted in severe congestion at the container terminal.

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    Spain beneficiary of Moroccan strike


    Labour disputes that have disrupted the Moroccan port of Tanger-Med since early October have pushed 30,000-35,000 containers each week to the Spanish ports of Algeciras and Malaga, according to local sources.

  • They’ll be no more dirty trucks at Californian ports from next year

    California cleans its trucks


    The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have announced that trucks older than 2006 will be banned from port terminals next year.

  • Auckland's participation in the opening ceremony of the 2011 Rugby World Cup demonstrated its community spirit

    Lighting up the locals


    Ports can bring much more to a local community than just commercial benefits, as Alex Hughes explains

  • The Tappan Zee deal gives hope to other indirect port infrastructure projects. Credit: Sev

    The highway to funding


    Even without explicit ties to port funding, highway projects throw off enormous benefits to ports.

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    Barcelona seeks €97m El Prat compensation


    Barcelona port authority is seeking financial compensation of €97m ($134m) from three construction companies involved in the El Prat quay fiasco.

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    Itajaí strikes push boxes away


    In the first week of November, an estimated 7,500 teu bound for the port of Itajaí, Brazil, was forced to divert to other terminals, because of a strike of dockworkers at the APM Terminals facility.

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    Sugar vessels stack up in Brazil


    The number of vessels waiting to take on consignments of export sugar in Brazil has been hovering around the 50 mark in recent weeks, although is now starting to decline.

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    Vietnam's Van Phong construction suspended


    In a major reversal of policy, building work on Van Phong port is currently suspended, the Vietnam Ports Association has confirmed.

  • NOAA’s predicted trajectories for the debris field - the red zone may be affected this year. Photo: Courtesy of J. Churnside, NOAA; created using Google.

    Floating tsunami debris response


    A 25 million tonne marine debris field created by the Japanese tsunami back in March is currently floating across the North Pacific and will reach Hawaii by this winter, according to experts.

  • The Ports of Tacoma, pictured, and Kitakyushu are getting greener

    Port pact on environmental issues


    The sister ports of Tacoma and Kitakyushu have signed a pact on environmental issues and disaster prevention.

  • News

    Port pact on environmental issues


    The sister ports of Tacoma and Kitakyushu have signed a pact on environmental issues and disaster prevention.

  • Felixstowe's robots give muscle to the UK port's quest for supremacy

    Cyber-style UK domination


    Felicity Landon reports on a bit of a Doctor Who moment on the quayside at Felixstowe.

  • A rendering of the Navy Base Terminal, currently under construction in North Charleston. It will boost container capacity in the port by about 50%

    Port of Charleston commits to $1.3bn investment


    The Port of Charleston has announced that it will be making a large investment over the next ten years to become a true post-panamax harbour.