Latest News – Page 728

  • The major players in the container industry want to make box transport safer

    Addressing the container weight issue


    Misdeclared container weights are a recurring safety problem on shore, on ships, and on roadways – but now the main players in the container industry have grouped together to finally try to tackle the issue.

  • Mr Koji Sekimizu, secretary general, IMO. Photo: IMO

    IMO renews commitment to sustainability


    The IMO has publicly renewed its commitment to sustainable development in the maritime industry this week and given feedback on its input to the Rio+20 conference held recently in Brazil.

  • Costs for shipping lines in Algeciras are 50% more expensive than at Tanger-Med. Credit: Laura Fernandez

    Algeciras weighs up development potential


    Hanjin-owned Total Terminal International Algeciras handled 650,000 teu last year and could reach 1m teu in 2012. However, no decision has yet been reached as to whether to proceed with a Phase B development of the terminal.

  • News

    Santos fines container terminals


    The Brazilian Ministry of Employment has fined the Santos Brazil and Libra Terminais container terminals for using unregistered labour when working vessels in the port of Santos.

  • Johor is looking to cash in on the burgeoning palm oil and oil and gas sectors in Malaysia

    Johor looks to new markets


    Johor Port has embarked on a five year expansion plan which will include significant redevelopment in order to retain competitive edge and cater for new markets.

  • News

    Israel two port plan back on


    The Israeli Transport Minister has confirmed that the government is to promote the construction of two new ports, the projects for which first emerged in 2007.

  • MSC has publicly criticised Valencia's high costs, threatening to shift its traffic elsewhere

    Take no prisoners


    Competition is fierce in the Mediterranean transhipment sector, finds Alex Hughes

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    Nicaragua to build rival to Panama Canal


    The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, has put forward a canal project to rival that of the Panama Canal. A new authority has been set up for the project, which should cost around $30bn.

  • The Port of Oakland has received a US£15m TIGER grant

    Grant awarded to Port of Oakland


    The US Department of Transportation recently awarded a US$15m Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant to the Outer Harbour Intermodal Terminal (OHIT) Rail Access project at the Port of Oakland.

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    Gulftainer lone Tripoli bidder


    Gulftainer looks set to be awarded the $65m contract to acquire and operate equipment at the Lebanese port of Tripoli.

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    Doha port costs spiral 20%


    The cost of building the new Doha port in Qatar is predicted to rise by 20% to around $6.86bn.

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    Japan comes to Vietnam’s aid


    Japan International Cooperation Agency is to help the Vietnamese city of Da Nang improve both its Tien Sa sea port and undertake the phase II upgrade of the harbour at Lien Chieu.

  • Unions are happy with the proposed Valencia deal

    Valencia wins over labour unions


    Rafael Aznar, president of Valenciaport, has announced that the port authority is on the verge of signing a new collective bargaining agreement with port unions. Union representatives have confirmed that the agreement is effectively a done deal.

  • The global focus of wealth is moving east

    Shifting the centre of gravity


    It can be said that the centre of gravity for shipping has been in Europe for at least the last two centuries. All the great fleets came out of Europe to conquer the world. This extended to the commercial world as well with the liner and bulk carrier fleets primarily ...

  • Ports such as Odessa can now take advantage of private investment

    Ukraine paves the way for privatisation


    Ukraine has adopted a new law on seaports which establishes the basis of governmental regulation for new procedures on building, expanding, and closing seaports in the country.

  • Arinaga’s gateway looks ominously empty

    No fat to spare on TEN-T funding


    There’s something to be said about the political and practical impact of the application of funds such as the Trans-European Transport Network’ (TEN-T) initiative.

  • Rio+20 is aiming to make the oceans more sustainable Photo: Bob Shavelson/Marine Photobank

    UN sustainability conference Rio+20


    The UN''s 10-yearly UN Sustainable Development Conference, called Rio+20, is taking place this week (15-22 June) in Rio de Janeiro.

  • Marseilles Provence World Trade Centre

    Venue for 2012 has been announced!


    The Marseilles Provence World Trade Centre (WTC) has been confirmed as the venue for the 2012 GreenPort Congress.

  • Portland – disputes continue at Terminal 6

    ICTSI faces Portland labour lawsuit


    The International Longshore and Warehouse Union has filed a lawsuit against ICTSI Oregon over what it calls the violation of a longstanding collective bargaining agreement between the Pacific Maritime Association, stevedores and the union.

  • Container, tanker and bulk customers of MAN showed a positive reaction to slow steaming, according to the company’s survey

    MAN reports slow steaming research


    MAN Diesel & Turbo has undertaken a survey of its customers in the container, bulk and tanker industries to determine attitudes towards slow steaming - particularly with regards to fuel savings and emissions.