Latest News – Page 723

  • DP World has ploughed in at least $300m into its 24 ha Callao site

    Western wins


    Operators and consultants are on fire over the region''s prospects, writes Martin Rushmere

  • The ICS wants a fast track study into the global availability of low sulphur for ships

    ICS wants action over low sulphur switch


    The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has called on the IMO to fast track a critical study into the global availability of low sulphur for ships.

  • Zeeland’s East Vlissingen new quay will handle larger vessels and the rising amount of coal imports Photo: Zeeland Seaports

    Strategic new quay for Vlissingen facility


    In order to be able to handle the upcoming large size vessels, as well as being pushed by the rising need for coal imports into Germany, a new quay has been opened in Zeeland Seaports’ East Vlissingen facility.

  • The new access requirements for trucks on Maasvlakte 1 and 2 will take final effect on 1 January 2014.

    Maasvlakte bans dirty trucks


    According to a new traffic order at the Port of Rotterdam, from 1 January 2014 onwards, all trucks with a diesel engine must have a clean Euro VI engine if they wish to enter Maasvlakte 1 and 2.

  • LNG-fuelled ships are coming but ports seem shy about making the first move

    LNG brings benefits and challenges to ports


    The US is talking up liquefied natural gas as a world fuel, and praising its virtues as a greenhouse gas reducer.

  • AtoBviaC’s software calculates distance in both the North American ECA and SECA

    New tool to map the US ECAs


    The imminent arrival of Emission Control Areas (ECAs) in the US is providing ship operators with new challenges in providing cost effective operation - but there is a new market opening up to address the issue.

  • Szczecin Port, Poland Photo: Mateusz War/Wikimedia Commons

    Pre-construction work underway in Poland


    The preparatory work has begun for the proposed €13m project to modernise port infrastructure, build new terminals and buffer car parks at the two northern Poland ports of Szczecin and Swinoujscie.

  • The European Commission has approved funding for 202 new projects under the LIFE+ programme

    EU grants €268.4m for environment projects


    Last week, the European Commission approved financial support for 202 new projects under the LIFE+ programme.

  • Montreal Gateway Terminals is part of Green Marine, a voluntary environmental alliance of 20 Canadian and US Great Lakes ports

    Beyond electricity


    Electricity could become the poor cousin to hybrids and LNG. Martin Rushmere reports

  • Laura Sandys MP at the PATCH Workshop

    PATCH workshop reveals blue energy potential


    Exploring the potential of wave and tidal power, or blue energy, for ports was the agenda of the recent PATCH workshop held recently in Ramsgate, UK.

  • Hydrogen is common, and easy to make

    Often fuel cell ingredients are already on dock


    Introducing fuel cell technology is often easier than first thought; many industrial gas companies will provide and operate a hydrogen station on site and will make packaged hydrogen deliveries, points out Margery Ryan of Fuel Cell Today.

  • News

    New Chilean deep water port confirmed


    The Chilean government is preparing a tender for a new deepwater port in its central area.

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    Irregularities confirmed in Paita and Callao concessions


    The report into the concession process undertaken for the North Terminal at the Peruvian port of Callao and also of the port of Paita has concluded that there were irregularities in both operations.

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    PPPs the favoured expansion choice


    Variations of public-private partnerships are the driving force behind terminal developments on the US East Coast.

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    Smart processes speeds customs process


    US Customs and Border Protection have used Smartphone technology to boost security and customs operations even further.

  • Some anchorages cover quite an area

    Ports need to be a lot less relaxed


    Ports need to raise their marine security game before pirates start to pay more attention to them and try to repeat the highjacking of a ship anchored in Omani waters, outside Salalah.

  • Shanghai's wide-scale RTG electrification programme led to a 47% reduction in energy consumption

    All or nothing


    Zero emissions are the new goal, but the dispute about who shoulders the environmental burden rumbles on. Martin Rushmere reports

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    World leader cap fits Los Angeles


    Los Angeles is developing its emissions control programmes at a blistering pace. Their claim to be the leading and most successful port in the world in cutting emissions is based on the speed of progress and the variety of initiatives.

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    Moving the SOx and NOx debate on


    It''s not enough just to talk blithely about reducing emissions, without considering the cost and the lack of responsibility by polluters, says Del Redvers, head of sustainability at BMT Group.

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    Inland attractions


    Surprisingly, China''s northern and central box terminals grew faster last year than the traditional southern powerhouse. Michael King reports