Latest News – Page 630

  • Striking dockers at Angamos have created a ripple effect. Credit: Codelco

    Strikes cripple Chilean ports


    A two-day strike called by dock workers in Chile''s southern Biobío region in support of striking colleagues at the port of Angamos ended on January 10. However, the threat of further action has not been ruled out.

  • News

    Broad range of lighting opinions


    As the LEP versus LED battle rages on, similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses are being tossed around by industry experts.

  • The ports of Roscoff (pictured) and Santander are looking into the feasibility of LNG bunkering facilities Photo: Brittany Ferries

    EU grant for analysing LNG potential


    The European Union will support a series of studies under the auspices of a €1m grant from the TEN-T Programme to analyse the potential introduction of liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure in Spain and France.

  • Ports America opted for LEPs at its Oakland refit

    Light pools


    The LEP vs LED debate is causing a storm in port lighting circles as Alex Hughes explains

  • An open system for crane data transfer would put everyone on the same starting base. Credit: Shemsu Hor

    Supporting information free flow


    AssetRight''s Malcolm Youll calls for the creation of a port equipment industry ''standard'' to allow for an open system for data transfer

  • Dredging is a contentious issue at Gladstone Harbour (pictured) and Abbot Point because they are next to the Great Barrier Reef

    Dredging spoils argument in Oz


    Environmental agencies are calling on the authorities to prevent the dumping of dredging spoils at Abbot Point because it''s too close to the Great Barrier Reef.

  • The goverment's plan to tender out the Jawahar dock at Chennai looks to have backfired

    Chennai project fails to attract bidders?


    Apparently the tender process to develop a disused coal terminal at the Indian government''s Chennai port has ended with no bids being received.

  • From the outset, it was clear that the six year project at Durban was not likely to be a smooth and simple process

    Durban Container Terminal development still on


    Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) says that the plan to lengthen and deepen Durban harbour is still on, despite media reports that it has come under fire from environmental organisations.

  • Ports need to revisit disaster preparedness plans in light of damage in the Philippines. CRedit: Globovision

    Prepare for the worst


    In the wake of the devastating effects of typhoon Haiyan on the Philippines, the debate has intensified as to the effects of global warming on tropical storms.

  • News

    Aversion to PPPs


    Public private partnerships in the Philippines have not, generally speaking, fared well.

  • Svitzer Australia will supply four 33m, 80 tonne bollard-pull tugs to help export LNG shipments from the Wheatstone terminal

    Svitzer Australia assist with LNG shipments


    Svitzer Australia is to supply four 33m, 80 tonne bollard-pull tugs to help export shipments from the Chevron-operated Wheatstone LNG terminal as part of a AUS$650m (US$579m) contract.

  • News

    New guidance on ballast water


    Lloyd’s Register has published a new guide on understanding ballast water management.

  • multi trailer

    Feedering fan


    MICT offers some instructive lessons to its peers in feeder terminal operation, reports Mike Mundy

  • ABB shore-to-ship application

    Shaping the environmental future for ports


    Many of the world’s harbours are located in city environments where noise and emission pollution from docked ships is a growing concern. With this in mind, port cities, port authorities, ship-owners, industry suppliers and regulators are now focusing on the decade old technology known as shore-to-ship power, for which universal ...

  • Unions say that working conditions at Lisbon have deteriorated since the adoption of a new Port Law in February 2013

    Portuguese dockers air grievances


    A pledge of support has been given to dockers in Lisbon by both the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the International Dockworkers’ Council (IDC) in advance of a Europe-wide strike planned for next week.

  • Fjord Line will soon be able to bunker its LNG ferries with passengers on board. Photo: Fjord Line

    New LNG bunkering for Fjord Line


    Fjord Line is to bunker its new LNG ferries while passengers are on board, once permission is granted by Norwegian authorities.

  • Jeddah has been one of the region's star performers. Credit: OK Photography

    Middle Eastern moves


    Middle East container trade rides the wave of increased regional spending. Mike Mundy reports

  • Dampier’s first floating deck is expected to be commissioned in January

    Dampier’s first floating deck is expected to be commissioned in early January 2014


    Dampier’s first floating deck is expected to be commissioned in JanuaryOne port which has created its own solution is the Dampier Port Authority in West Australia, where chief operating officer Captain Paul Toussaint-Jackson has devised a floating deck transhipment system featuring a deck which moves back and forth between landside ...

  • Port of Salalah employees plant trees

    Switching on to Salalah's savings


    The Port of Salalah''s SWITCH programme aims to reduce the port’s carbon offset by 25% by 2014 and as part of the project the port has launched 17 ongoing initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and waste over the last three years.

  • Pervious Pavement

    Reducing run-off


    Reducing the environmental import of port development can actually save money.