Latest News – Page 623

  • Manila Movement: Extended port hours will help ease the backlog at MICP and POM

    Manila port operations under strain


    Two of Manila''s largest ports are struggling with backlog created by an expanded truck ban enforced by the government on Monday, and worsened by truckers'' protests.

  • TRUCK TROUBLES: Congestion is still an issue for Port Metro Vancouver

    Truck troubles in Vancouver


    Members of the United Truckers Association (UCA) held a two day strike at the Port Metro Vancouver this week in an attempt to increase the compensation they receive from the trucking companies that hire them.

  • San Diego has powered up yet another shore-power system to improve air quality and reduce emissions. Photo: Dale Frost

    San Diego powers up ‘green’ initiative


    The Port of San Diego’s new shore-power system is now up and running at the Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal.

  • During 2013, 120 tonnes of sulphur emissions were saved as a result of the Port of Gothenburg's programme. Photo: Port of Gothenburg

    Gothenburg campaigns to save emissions


    Sweden’s Port of Gothenburg’s campaign to save sulphur emissions is making progress. During 2013, 49 vessels took part resulting in a saving of 120 tonnes of sulphur emissions.

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    Advanced accuracy


    Technological advances have considerably helped ports in all spheres, and the bagging sector is no exception.

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    Boom to bust for Queensland ports


    Debate is raging over whether Queensland’s port capacity has shifted from shortfall to surplus as a result of developments during the mining boom.

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    Fremantle opens liquid berth door


    Fremantle Ports has invited expressions of interest to develop and operate a dedicated bulk liquids berth at Kwinana to handle cargoes such as petroleum products, chemicals and liquid fertilisers.

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    Counting the cost of the Chilean port strike


    The agreement struck with port workers in Chile that ended a 23-day strike could cost the state around $60m in retrospective bonus payments dating back to 2005.

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    First new Brazilian port concessions ready in March


    The Brazilian ports minister, Antonio Henrique Pinheiro Silveira, believes that the first batch of 29 port concessions – forming block one, covering the port of Santos and ports in Pará – will now be ready for March.

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    Serious questions asked about Spanish transhipment traffic


    In 2013, both traffic and revenue declined at Spanish ports, following a record year in 2012. Transhipment traffic, in particular, began to seep away, with shipping lines complaining of the high cost of doing business.

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    Auckland bounces back


    Ports of Auckland has achieved a comparable 70% increase in net profit after tax to NZ$26.4m and 17% lift in revenue to NZ$107.2m for the six months to December 31, 2013.

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    Union criticises port safety process


    Lyttelton Port of Christchurch is continually acting after the horse has bolted in its approach to safety, says Rail and Maritime Transport Union (RMTU) general secretary Wayne Butson.

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    Investors line up behind Mariel industrial zone


    More than 70 companies from both Europe and China have shown an interest in investing in the free zone attached to the Cuban port of Mariel, west of Havana, which inaugurated its container terminal at the end of January.

  • The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is gradually replacing the whole of its fleet with greener vehicles

    PANYNJ vehicle fleet gets greener


    The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) is set to spend US$28m on more than 200 green vehicles bringing the number of alternative fuel, environmentally friendly trucks and cars at the port to around 85%.

  • MCH Trolley Over Water: This picture shows four 300W LED floodlights (Phoenix Products - ModCom Hi’s) mounted on the trolley of an STS crane illuminating the spreader over the water

    Improved Lighting Technology Supports Port Sustainability


    LED lighting on port container cranes greatly reduces energy consumption and costs. Each seaport has a unique set of geographic, political, operational, and financial circumstances that define its environmental initiatives. In the U.S., there are numerous regulations and initiatives aimed to reduce the impact of port activities, thus increasing the ...

  • The STS transfer between the two Q-Flex ships took six days to complete

    Qatargas LNG STS transfer


    Qatargas-chartered LNG vessels carried out the ‘first’ ship-to-ship (STS) transfer operations of LNG between two Q-Flex type ships.

  • Financially, bagging facilities can provide considerable benefits to ports

    Bag for life


    On dock bagging services offer value-added services for port customers. John Bensalhia reports

  • Queensland's ports need to consider broader environmental and political aspects. Credit: Michael McGimpsey

    Getting port policies right


    Getting the right policy framework for port development is a complicated challenge.

  • The lock’s site is strategically located between Dutra and Ayrton Senna highways

    Penha’s Lock boosts navigation and São Paulo Water-Ring


    Last October, the construction of Penha’s Lock started. This will give new impetus to the São Paulo Metropolitan region and the dream of deploying the Water-Ring is starting to become reality, says Frederico Bussinger, IDELT Consultant and Former Director of São Paulo Waterway Department.

  • Coal supplies in Russia’s far east are under intense development at present

    Russian coal terminal construction


    Russia’s Volga Group has acquired a 50% stake in Sukhodol LLC – the company which is constructing the new bulk terminal at Sukhodol Bay in Russia’s Primorsk territory.