Latest News – Page 605

  • Andy Barrons

    Navis wishes for better integration knowledge


    The industry needs to address the knowledge gap on the integration, capability and implementation of software systems today, according to Navis.

  • Shipper relations are feeling the strain. Photo: Roger Wollstadt/Flickr

    Port ‘musical chairs’ hurts shippers


    Playing “musical chairs” with port rotations and failing to notify cargo owners in a timely manner is leading to increasingly disgruntled shippers.

  • News

    Peel Ports’ people power


    Operators need to ditch the idea of a port construction project as a civil engineering job, and embrace it as a business project with an emphasis on people, according to Peel Ports Group port director David Huck.

  • Poised for action: the robotic oil boom is ready for instant deployment

    Making light work of oil containment


    A robot has recently been making waves on the waterfront.

  • Future economic growth remains uncertain

    Uneven growth dampens spirits


    COMMENT: The European Commission has predicted low inflation will remain a threat to euro-area expansion for at least the next two years as it trimmed its economic-growth forecast and warned of the impact of tensions with Russia - but this is tempered by uneven performance among the members, writes Ben ...

  • US expansion: This latest agreement in in line with Gulftainer's 2020 vision

    Gulftainer moves into USA


    Gulftainer is growing in line with its vision to expand to 35 terminals in five continents by 2020 with a 35-year concession at Port Canaveral in Florida, USA.

  • The conversion project is said to be the first of its kind in Western Europe

    Felixstowe commits to being green


    The Port of Felixstowe is looking to improve its operational and environmental efficiency with the introduction of its first electric-powered rubber-tyred gantry cranes (RTGs).

  • Flying high: a simple, stationary tethered balloon can act as lift infrastructure

    Blue sky thinking


    Balloons and robotised box parks could soon be helping ports compete, writes Stevie Knight

  • News

    Vietnamese port IPOs a failure


    Ports in Vietnam have been struggling to find buyers for shares released as part of several recent IPOs.

  • Spanish ports are feeling the pressure

    Spanish ports await €150m hit


    Spanish national port authority president José Llorca has warned of a €150m hit if Spain is ordered by the EU court in Luxembourg to dismantle its existing stevedoring arrangements.

  • 'Eiger-Nordwand' is the first inland waterways vessel to be retrofitted with LNG engines. Photo: Rolf Heinrich, Köln

    Inland vessel makes the switch


    The first inland waterway vessel to be retrofitted with pollution-reducing LNG engines, ‘Eiger-Nordwand’, has been launched as part of the EU-supported ‘LNG Masterplan Rhine-Main-Danube’ project.

  • Texas LNG's 100-acre site will have deepwater frontage to the Port of Brownsville shipping channel

    Texas LNG makes progress


    Texas LNG LLC has received authorisation from the US Department of Energy (DOE) to export domestically-produced LNG to all existing, and any future, countries that have an FTA with the US.

  • News

    Bumping up the agenda


    TT Club''s Laurence Jones examines the effectiveness of crane anti-boom collision technology

  • The export facility will be built later this year at

    Green light for US export project


    US-based Sempra Energy’s subsidiary, Cameron LNG, has received the go ahead from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC to site, construct and operate an LNG export facility.

  • News

    The pitfalls of automation planning


    The cost overruns at TraPac''s Terminal at Los Angeles have entered forklore, and there is certainly a keenness to get to the bottom of the automation miscalculations - no more so that at the port itself.

  • Better way: safety at Asciano's Brisbane terminal improved dramatically with automation. Credit: Michael McGimpsey

    Follow the leader?


    Beware of following the herd when it comes to investing in automation, writes Martin Rushmere

  • AMPT leases around 484 acres at POLA, where it will raise its cranes to better serve large vessels

    APMT reaches new heights


    APM Terminals’ (APMT) request to raise the height of 14 existing cranes at its Port of Los Angeles (POLA) terminal, has been approved by the Los Angeles Board of Harbour Commissioners.

  • Efficiency drive: Liverpool2 will be one of Europe's most technologically advanced terminals

    Making customers count


    Peel Ports'' chief executive Mark Whitworth gets ready for a new era for the Port of Liverpool

  • Red Funnel's fleet has been running on low-sulphur fuel for the past 18 years

    Red Funnel fleet success


    UK ferry operator, Red Funnel, confirms it’s already compliant with the new sulphur regulations which come in to force on 1 January 2015.

  • Basic safety could've avoided the majority of claims, says TT Club. Photo: Jonathan Warner

    Back to basics


    Weather or natural events are much less likely to lead to insurance claims than poor maintenance and operational failures, according to research from TT Club.