Latest News – Page 593

  • News

    Marport preps for box alliances


    Turkey’s Marport is getting ready to handle new container line alliances, with investments in infrastructure and productivity.

  • Go east: the spreader specialist is geographically splitting its management team

    Bromma focus on Asian markets


    Spreader specialist Bromma has taken the strategic decision to split its management team between Stockholm and Singapore to “be closer to this market”.

  • Rising steadily: Drewry Maritime Advisor’s Port Sector Index (2003-2014)

    US interest rates to drive port refinancing over next 12 months


    The prospect of higher US interest rates is set to drive increased port assets acquisition and refinancing over the next 12 months, according to Drewry Maritime Advisors, the port consultancy division of Drewry.

  • The German research vessel ‘Polarstern’ in the Cumberland Bay, South Georgia Photo: Thomas Ronge, Alfred-Wegener-Institut

    Methane research in the Antarctic


    An international team of scientists have discovered more than 130 seeps of methane leaking through the Antarctic seabed – the first evidence that these leaks are present in the Southern Ocean.

  • Shell says it now offers a complete suite of lubricants for all types of engines

    Shell unveils new lubricant for ECA-bound vessels


    Shell Marine Products launched a new solution at the SMM Exhibition 2014 taking place in Hamburg this week, to help large vessels comply with the revised emission control area (ECA) regulations coming into force on 1 January 2015.

  • he LNG bunker barge is to be built in Korea to BV class

    BV classification for LNG bunker vessel


    Bureau Veritas is to class an LNG bunker vessel being built by Korea''s Hanjin Heavy Industries, under an agreement between Japan''s NYK and Mitsubishi and France''s GDF Suez.

  • Success story: Terex continues its success with reach stackers in Latin America

    Orders flow in for Terex


    Terex Port Solutions (TPS) has installed a second Terex Gottwald portal harbour crane in the terminal of Fospar SA Fertilizantes Fostfatados do Paraná in Paranagua, Brazil.

  • Regulation role: Nigeria gets tough on ports. Credit: APM Terminals

    Nigeria's new regulator


    COMMENT: In the wake of numerous complaints by port users to government, Nigeria has taken the interesting step of appointing the Nigeria Shippers’ Council as an arm’s length Economic Port Regulator, writes Mike Mundy.

  • Think big: Tema's development is supporting Ghana's deepwater aims. Credit: Jonathan Ernst/World Bank

    Ghana ups the ante


    COMMENT: Ghana has added its name to the growing list of ports along the West African coast which have firm plans to add new deepwater capacity.

  • News

    Mexican ports too expensive to retain transhipment


    The Mexican Association of Shipping Agents (AMANAC) has called on national ports to improve their competitiveness through reduced tariffs, which are among the highest in the world.

  • News

    Portuguese ports to combine purchasing power


    Portuguese ports are to make joint purchases of goods and services, with the aim of achieving a savings of 15% by 2020.

  • Overcoming issues: Turkey is weak on legal and administrative structures, customs clearance, infrastructure problems and planning problems Credit: eutrophication&hypoxia

    Urgent need for Turkey planning review


    Turkey needs to re-evaluate port planning and design across the board to ensure that it is able to capitalise on its "promising" future, according to Celalettin Ilhan, deputy general manager of STFA Construction Group/ ECAP.

  • EMP's Aquarius MRE System project uses an advanced integrated system of rigid sails, solar panels and energy storage modules to enable ships to tap into renewable energy

    Eco Marine shortlisted for efficiency awards


    Japan’s renewable energy expert, Eco Marine Power (EMP), has been nominated as a finalist in two categories of the inaugural Ship Efficiency Awards 2014, hosted by Lloyd’s Register and organised by Fathom Shipping.

  • Malaysia could be the next LNG hub. Photo: Eric Teoh/Flickr

    Malaysian potential for LNG top spot


    The commercial intelligence specialist for the energy, metals and mining industries, Wood Mackenzie says that by 2020, Malaysia has the potential to be the largest supplier of flexible LNG to the global market, larger even than Qatar.

  • Invitation letter

    Port of Barcelona - hosts of the 2014 GreenPort Cruise Conference & GreenPort Congress


    Barcelona is Spain''s number one port and is located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula less than 150 km from the French border. The Port of Barcelona will host a Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner and Port Tour - book your place now to find out more.

  • Slowing growth: But Ningbo-Zhoushan still has a year on year growth of 10%

    Slower growth for Chinese ports


    Shanghai International Shipping Institute (SISI) says that during the second quarter of 2014, global ports suffered weak performance because of lower trade demand by Asia.

  • Gala dinner networking

    Join your peers from across the world!


    Book your place now to join port professionals from ports and terminals across the world. Delegates from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Ghana, Iceland, Malaysia, South Africa and the USA, as well as from Europe, have already confirmed their attendance.

  • Delegates at the 8th GreenPort Congress

    Supporting associations' members benefit from discounted delelgate places


    ESPO, EcoPorts, PEMA Environment Committee, Feport, Euroshore and IAPH are just some of the associations supporting the 2014 GreenPort Congress. Book your place and benefit from the discounts available.

  • Navis invests: The software specialist spends 31% of its revenue on research and development

    Cutting edge technologies on dock


    Navis is looking to the future to ensure container terminals are ''big ship'' ready in advance of the arrival of 25,000 teu vessels.

  • Could nanotechnology provide the key to cutting PM and NOx from ships?

    Nanotechnology applied to fuel emulsion to cut emissions


    UK-based SulNOx Fuel Fusions says that application of nanotechnology to emulsified fuel could cut emissions of NOx by 50% and particulates by up to 90%, as well as “slash the emissions of green house gases”.