Latest News – Page 580

  • Kotug’s new Rotortug ART 80-32 is designed by Canada’s Robert Allan Ltd and built by Damen Shipyards

    New hybrid Rotortug for Kotug


    Kotug has taken delivery of a next generation ART 80-32 Hybrid Rotortug which will improve fuel savings and reduce harmful emissions during operation.

  • Simon Bennett: “Governments should implement the rules in a uniform manner as we enter a brave new world"

    Alternative fuels should be explored


    The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) says that the shipping industry is fully committed to complying with Emission Control Areas (ECAs) come January 2015, but there are still some concerns about the rules being enforced.

  • Guilty culprits: The ITF has found that more than a third of the emissions occurred in only 50 ports Photo: Jennifer Woodard Maderazo

    Fourfold surge in port emissions by 2050


    A new paper published by the International Transport Forum of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in France, warns that most shipping emissions in ports will grow fourfold by 2050.

  • Barbados is doing its bit in terms of environmental stewardship Photo: Flickr/Roger Wollstadt

    Barbados looks to greenhouse gas ratings


    Barbados Port has signed up with the RightShip and Carbon War Room greenhouse gas rating programme, which rewards vessels with better energy efficient ratings.

  • Looking ahead: EMAP is planning for future growth

    Prime position


    Carly Fields talks with Brazil’s Itaqui about its ambitious plans for accommodating across-the-board cargo growth

  • Home sweet home: Jebel Ali Free Zone provides a base for more than 7,300 companies

    Staying special


    Are free trade and special economic zones still a differentiating feature for ports, asks Felicity Landon

  • Patrick Verhoeven, secretary general, ECSA: "there are concerns regarding data reliability and confidentiality"

    Industry speaks out over CO2 monitoring


    The European Community Shipowners Association (ECSA) has given a guarded welcome to the recent informal agreement by EU legislators on the Commission proposal for a regulation on the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of CO2 emissions for maritime transport.

  • Conference chairman for day two, Martin Shaw, welcomes delegates to the second part of the event

    Round table talks at GFS


    Day two of the Gas Fuelled Ships conference was introduced by chairman-for-the-day Martin Shaw of MOAMS.

  • Congestion chaos: US container terminals need to take steps to improve the intensity of infrastructure and equipment usage

    What’s really behind US port congestion


    Drewry has been looking into some of the deeper issues affecting port performance which may be causing the chronic congestion being suffered by ports on the US west coast.

  • Teamwork: carriers need to look at the bigger picture. Credit: Kees Torn

    Downside of economies of scale


    Global carriers, having a hard time managing their pricing strategies, and therefore their profitability, turned to larger vessel sizes in the search for economies of scale that would lower the slot cost of voyages.

  • News

    DNV GL helps industry prepare for sulphur switch


    DNV GL has published a guide to the upcoming strict sulphur regulations for ships operating in Emission Control Areas (ECAs) in a bid to help shipowners avoid potential difficulties with the fuel change-over needed.

  • Handing over the reins to Helene Repsdorph and Petra Konig from Copenhagen Malmö Port

    10th GreenPort Congress to be co-located with Danish Maritime Days in Copenhagen!


    We are delighted to announce that the dates for the 10th GreenPort Congress and 3rd GreenPort Cruise Conference 2015 have now been confirmed. The 10th GreenPort Congress will take place on 7-9 October 2015 and as normal the 3rd GreenPort Cruise Conference will take place the day before the Congress ...

  • Session one speakers answer questions at the end of the first morning at the Gas Fuelled Ships conference

    GFS conference focuses on LNG


    The 2014 Motorship Gas Fuelled Ships conference taking place this week is focusing on existing and future technology of LNG fuelled ship propulsion.

  • The reins were handed over to Helene Repsdorph and Petra Konig, Environmental Specialist and Environmental Manager, from Copenhagen Malmö Port at this year’s GreenPort Congress

    GreenPort Congress heads to Copenhagen


    The tenth GreenPort Congress and Cruise Conference, organised by Mercator Media, will take place from 6 to 9 October 2015 at Copenhagen’s Malmö Port in conjunction with Danish Maritime Days (DMD).

  • The adoption of the Polar Code marks a milestone in the IMO's work to protect vessels in the harsh polar regions

    IMO adopts Polar Code


    The IMO has adopted the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) and related SOLAS, marking a major milestone in its work to protect ships and people aboard them in the harsh polar regions.

  • Union might: The ITF says "if it ain't broke don't fix it"

    ITF hits back over Euro ports’ directive


    The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has criticised what it calls persistent attempts to erode the job security and working conditions of dockworkers in Europe.

  • Funding will enable Aberdeen Harbour Board to investigate the possibility of expansion into Nigg Bay

    Funding for Aberdeen


    The UK’s Aberdeen Harbour Board is to carry out and environmental impact (EIA) assessment for the expansion of the harbour after receiving funding from the European Commission.

  • The Port of Antwerp is said to have been majorly affected by the strike, with backlogs of vessel waiting at anchor to berth

    Breakdown in Belgium


    Port workers in Antwerp have been striking over the loss of index-linked pay rises and tax increases – action that is also affecting neighbouring ports.

  • Schneider Electric’s ShoreBox shore side power solution

    Shore side power seminar


    Schneider Electric is keeping the focus firmly on the benefits of shore side power with a free seminar for both ship operators and ports being held this week in London, UK.

  • Chandru Rajwani of N-KOM and Henrik Madsen of DNV GL sign the MOU in Dubai

    MoU to promote the use of LNG


    To promote liquefied natural gas (LNG) as fuel within the maritime and offshore industry, a memorandum of understanding has been signed between DNV GL and Qatar shipyard Nakilat-Keppel Offshore & Marine (N-KOM).