Latest News – Page 572

  • The port district now includes a 226.5 mile reach of the Ohio River. Photo: MeRyan/Flickr

    Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky expand horizons


    The US ports of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky are set to become the second busiest inland port as they prepare to expand their geographic region.

  • So far, 43 States have ratified the IMO BWM Convention

    Ballast Water Convention conundrum continues


    As the ratification of the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention nears ever closer, the maritime industry is still facing a major problem when it comes to globally accepted ballast water treatment technology, says the World Shipping Council.

  • News

    Sulphur deadline warning


    The shipping and bunker refining industries should not rely on a postponement to the IMO’s global 0.5% cap on sulphur in fuel, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) says.

  • Ghent is known for its environmental stewardship

    Ghent locks in on inland waterways


    Ghent Port Company is looking to reduce emissions and improve air quality with the New Lock Terneuzen that will improve access to the Netherlands, Belgium and France.

  • Down play: Fitch is basing European port statistics on "conservative growth assumptions”. Credit: Dirk Kirchner

    EU port volumes set to slip


    European container ports could see a slip in growth rates as the trend for larger ships making fewer stops becomes more popular, says global ratings agency, Fitch Ratings.

  • President Obama's FY 2016 budget proposal is a mixed bag

    US ports lose out on Obama budget


    President Obama’s fiscal 2016 budget proposal is calling for an improvement in overland freight movement by rail and truck, but cuts to waterside funding could break the supply chain altogether, says the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA).

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    Fight or flight?


    COMMENT: Just as the goalposts came into view, the Chinese have seen their port privatisation dreams in Greece not just moved but completely dismantled and removed from the field, writes Carly Fields.

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    Mitigating underwater noise


    A workshop on underwater sound in relation to dredging is taking place in March to help developers and planners assess the effects of underwater sound from dredging on marine life.

  • Container handling: The new Gloria Reachstacker DRG100 provides maximum power with minimum fuel costs

    New additions and new orders for Kalmar


    Kalmar is upping the bar when it comes to new port equipment with two new products being introduced to the market to help boost container handling efficiency and performance.

  • Container handling: The new Gloria Reachstacker DRG100 provides maximum power with minimum fuel costs

    New additions and new orders for Kalmar


    Kalmar is upping the bar when it comes to loading and unloading with two new products being introduced to the market to help boost container handling performance.

  • Volumes are up across DP World's terminals. Photo: DP World

    DP World reports record growth


    DP World Limited recorded an 8.9% increase in gross container volumes across its global portfolio container terminals in 2014, thanks in large part to its new developments at London Gateway and Embraport.

  • Put off: Santos concessions have been delayed again

    New concessions remain stalled in Brazil


    Brazil''s Audit Court (TCU) has once again postponed any decision regarding new concessions at the Port of Santos and at ports in the state of Pará, despite having started its initial deliberations at the end of 2013. Without a decision, no new development areas can be auctioned off.

  • Stoppage: strikes are set to cripple the nation's ports

    Indian dockers to strike over corporatisation plans


    In India, port and dock workers have announced an indefinite strike as of March 9 as a protest against government attempts to corporatise the country''s major ports.

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    Indian states advised to rein back on new ports


    The government of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh has revealed plan to build a further 14 ports along its 900km coastline.

  • It's been suggested that delays are now at their worst in two years at Los Angeles

    Delays worsen in Southern California


    The US west coast ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have seen a turbulent few months as delays in moving cargo continue to slow, and aren’t showing any sign of easing.

  • Neil Davidson: “Lower performance doesn’t necessarily mean that terminals are performing less well, just operating in a different environments”

    Container terminal benchmarking


    Drewry’s new report on container terminal benchmarks takes a look at the performance of terminals over the last three years and analyses the data with a view to helping ports and investors attain greater intensity of asset use.

  • The system automatically identifies where the containers are dropped in the yard and automatically reports this to the TOS

    ITS gets Rotterdam on track


    UK-based International Terminal Solutions Ltd (ITS) is helping APM Terminals (APMT) increase productivity of its container handling operations at Rotterdam with its latest G-POS GPS tracking system.

  • POLA’s recent environmental summit is the first in a series of meetings with stakeholders going forward

    Joined-up environmental thinking


    The Port of Los Angeles (POLA) in the US has met up with stakeholders and community leaders to further its environmental priorities and help ensure sustainable port growth going forward.

  • Phoenix is seeing an increase in demand for its lighting solutions

    Phoenix lights the way for terminals


    Lighting manufacturer, Phoenix Products Company Inc., is launching a new company specifically to serve container, intermodal and bulk terminals in response to increasing customer demand.

  • News

    Phoenix lights the way for terminals


    Lighting manufacturer, Phoenix Products Company Inc., is launching a new company specifically to serve container, intermodal and bulk terminals in response to increasing customer demand.