Latest News – Page 567

  • Because of its environmentally sensitive location, Salcombe Harbour takes its stewardship seriously

    Raising the bar for smaller harbours


    Salcombe Harbour on the Devon coast of the UK has signed up to the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) EcoPort scheme proving that it’s not just large ports that can make a difference to their environmental footprint.

  • Oakland’s cargo volumes were hit hard in February, but things are looking up

    US west coast battles cargo backlog


    US west coast ports are working hard to clear months of backlogged cargo as a result of the extensive labour dispute, but it could be three months before there’s a clearing, and even longer before operations are back to ‘normal’.

  • News

    Pricing of transhipment by port authorities


    COMMENT: How can pricing structures in ports be best explained; are they based on a specific historical trajectory in each port, or based on economic logic, asks Peter de Langen.

  • Integrated: nanoscience has today become part of mainstream science

    Breakthrough benefits


    Nanotechnology is full of beguiling promise; should ports grab some of the gains? Felicity Landon reports

  • Dr Pierre C Sames introduced the 'Vessels for the Future' initiative at the European Shipping Week in Brussels. Photo: ESW

    Improving ‘Vessels for the Future’


    A new initiative launched by DNV GL aims to improve shipping’s safety record, environmental impact and global competitiveness by 2050 to create a more sustainable European transport system.

  • Throughput and revenue growth for 2014 was thanks in large part to ICTSI's Manzanillo operations

    ICTSI throughput up 18%


    International Container Terminal Services, Inc (ICTSI) reported an 18% increase in throughput for the year ended 31 December 2014, thanks in large part to new operations in South America.

  • Increasing rates – But where will the money be spent at Melbourne?

    Melbourne rate hike draws criticism


    Proposed rate increases at Australia’s Port of Melbourne are leading to a call for greater transparency when it comes to where the funds are going.

  • Drydocks World has been recognised for its environmental stewardship

    Green recognition for Drydocks World


    Drydocks World and Maritime World have won a prestigious national award for its “Zero Harm” initiative which aims towards creating zero environmental and health harm.

  • Stakeholders recognise the environmental advantages of LNG as a shipping fuel, but are still unsure of the risks

    Commission reports on industry LNG concerns


    The use of LNG as a fuel is supported by most industry stakeholders, but concerns still remain over its opportunities and risks, according to the European Commission’s preliminary results of an LNG study.

  • The Sealite PEL installed at a major Australian port

    Efficient port entry lights


    Australia''s Sealite has introduced a new five degree LED Sectored port entry light, which provides over 500,000cd of lighting power using only 30 watts of electrical consumption.

  • The Port of Seattle is being sued for violating environmental laws and its shoreline permit

    Seattle sued over oil fleet


    The Port of Seattle is facing a lawsuit over the lease of its Terminal 5 to Foss Maritime, which environmental groups say violates environmental laws and its shoreline permit.

  • Cargo operations at a number of Brazilian ports have slowed due to protests

    Brazilian labour protests block ports


    Protests by truck drivers in 10 of Brazil’s 26 states is affecting the delivery of cargo to a number of the country’s ports, and is likely to impact cargo availability, berthing schedules and loading operations in other places, says marine insurer, Skuld.

  • News

    Spain withdraws stevedoring reform plan


    The Spanish government has withdrawn its proposed stevedoring reform plan, having failed to win the support of the trade unions. Now, the government is to enter into direct negotiations with all concerned to draw up a document that all can support, although whether this will be sufficient to persuade the ...

  • News

    ZPMC helps erect new port in Taiwan


    A heavy-lift vessel belonging to Chinese state-owned ZPMC is reported to have been chartered by the Taiwanese government to transport construction materials to a $100m new port that it is building on the island of Tai Ping (also known as Itu Aba) in the South China Sea.

  • News

    New Montevideo quay reopens rights debate


    Following three years of construction, the new ‘C’ quay has opened at the Uruguayan port of Montevideo. Significantly, the port authority is considering the possibility of putting the operation of all public quays – including ‘C’ - and ship-to-shore cranes out to tender.

  • The Motorship Live: Instant web reporting from our Propulsion & Emissions Conference 2015

    The Motorship Live - Propulsion & Emissions 2015


    The Motorship is presenting minute-by-minute live highlights from the Propulsion & Emissions Conference taking place in Hamburg from 4 to 5 March.

  • Hamburg is the host city for this year’s IAPH World Ports Conference Photo: Hamburg Port Authoity

    IAPH World Ports Conference 2015


    This year’s IAPH World Ports Conference will be held in Hamburg from 1 to 5 June and the focus will be on changing demands and the action required to tackle globalisation and climate change.

  • The ‘pool of pools’ agreement is expected to ease congestion at Long Beach and Los Angeles almost immediately

    'Pool of pools' uncovered


    When port operations slowdown, and cargo begins to build up, a port-wide gray chassis pool is said to be one of the best options for efficient chassis provisioning – something which Los Angeles and Long Beach are sticking to.

  • Trouble ahead: Striking dockers have already disrupted Rotterdam World Gateway. Credit - FaceMePls

    Troubles escalate at Rotterdam World Gateway


    The hope for resumed discussions between Rotterdam World Gateway (RWG) and the unions FNV Havens and CNV Vakmensen regarding employment terms for employees, have hit more trouble.

  • Samskip says the new service will save time, fuel cost and toll, and at the same time decrease CO2 emissions

    Samskip extends Scandinavian efficiency


    Samskip Van Dieren Multimodal is extending its intermodal network to improve European connections and help reduce emissions.