Latest News – Page 552

  • Watching: the ICS is looking out for ports that are failing on waste

    ICS targets waste reception non-compliance


    The International Chamber of Shipping has expressed ongoing “concerns” about port facilities and what it describes as the “perennial problem” of a lack of waste reception facilities.

  • Wake-up: Mr Leonhard delivers a call to arms to ports

    Look beyond rival ports for real competition


    Ports that are wholly focused on competition with other ports will not be around in 50 years, the chief executive of a leading think-tank has warned.

  • ‘AIDAsol’ has become the first cruise ship to connect to shore side power using Becker Marine Systems’ HUMMEL LNG Hybrid Barge

    Hamburg cruise ship gets barge powered


    An AIDA cruise ship has become the first vessel at the Port of Hamburg to receive environmentally-friendly power from the Becker Marine Systems’ HUMMEL LNG Hybrid Barge.

  • Mega-ships: Bigger ships provide significant opportunities for ports

    Mega-ships to tackle port congestion


    The World Shipping Council says that mega-ships may be partly the answer to dealing with port congestion in addition to the benefits they bring to the shipping industry.

  • Distance learning: Peter de Langen is one of the experts behind the new port development and management course

    Port distance learning programme


    A new distance learning course has been launched by leading port scholars to help further knowledge about port development and management.

  • Ecoceane’s patented technology equips clean-up vessels that can collect more oil and waste per hour

    Ecoceane vessels clean up oil operations


    France-based Ecoceane is continuing R&D on its range of pollution-cleaning vessels designed to help boost the efficiency of oil spill clean-up operations.

  • Charterers are increasingly choosing to lower their annual fuel bills and greenhouse gas emissions, say the Carbon War Room

    Excluding inefficient vessels


    Charterers moving one fifth of global shipped tonnage now effectively exclude inefficient vessels, says the Carbon War Room.

  • News

    Get ready for 24,000 teu, warns OECD


    As the trend for ever-increasing container ship sizes continues, a new International Transport Forum (ITF)/ OECD report warns 24,000 teu vessels could be sailing the world’s oceans by 2020.

  • Celebration: the launch of Marlin's LNG-fuelled ships proves that ship owner interest is there

    Gas stations


    Reconsider re-fuelling roles as orders for LNG-fuelled ships increase, advises Aidan Grange

  • Blue blood: King Willem-Alexander officially opens APMT's Maasvlakte II terminal

    Turning point


    Rotterdam is playing a long game with its massive Maasvlakte II development. Felicity Landon reports

  • News

    On the brink of change


    COMMENT: 2014 was a mixed year for economic fundamentals but little of this impacted the flow of trade, writes Ben Hackett.

  • Record setting: a call by 2M's Gerda Maersk marked the largest ship handled in Croatia

    Rolling stock


    ICTSI’s Adriatic hub is taking to the rails to bring its handling expertise to central Europe, finds Carly Fields

  • Measure up: with shipyards churning out ever-bigger ships, ports need to step up to the plate. Credit: Sarah Tzinieris

    Time for an Optimal Size Index?


    COMMENT: As this issue goes to press, the Maritime Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will be meeting in London, writes Barry Parker.

  • Secure: container packing can be just as important as weighing. Credit: Bakoko

    Beware trucks bearing 'gifts'


    TT Club’s Laurence Jones urges ports to look beyond the container weighing headlines

  • Drill time: Milford Haven takes its oil responsibilities seriously

    Letter of the law


    Without constant monitoring, ever-evolving laws can catch ports on the hop, finds John Bensalhia

  • Blue sky: carriers might find the answer to terminal collaboration in the cloud. Credit: Jnzl's Public Domain Photos

    Cloud control


    XVELA''s Christopher Mazza explains why carrier-terminal collaboration could find a home in the cloud

  • News

    Forward plan to manage transitions


    COMMENT: In Antwerp, the closure of the GM plant makes a huge site available for re-development, while in Rotterdam, one of the refineries (currently owned by Q8) is up for sale, writes Peter de Langen.

  • New media: the dynamic development of Instagram should be an inspiration to ports. Credit: Esther Vargas

    Innovation, disruption and survival


    We''re just not innovating enough, warns APS Technology''s Allen Thomas

  • Growth: SSA’s - operator of Manzanillo International Terminal - forecast is for traffic to grow 6%-7% through the wider canal

    Plugging in


    The competition for post-Canal expansion transhipment traffic is heating up, finds Martin Rushmere

  • Lacklustre: volumes at Global's Vostochny terminal dropped 1.3% in 2014

    Russian rollercoaster


    Global Ports has learnt to take the rough with the smooth in the Russian box market. Alex Hughes reports