Latest News – Page 515

  • A pier mounted charging station provides safe and secure connections

    Wireless marine charging concept


    Wärtsilä and Cavotec have signed an agreement to jointly develop a combined induction charging and automatic mooring concept.

  • Upscaled: high capacity handling equipment is just as important as draft. Credit: H Fernandes/Vale

    Innovation drive


    Bigger ships have pushed the technological envelope for bulk ports, finds Stevie Knight

  • Protection: perimeter fencing needs to be robust. Credit: Port of Everett

    Secure futures


    John Bensalhia looks at how port security can be improved safely and cost effectively

  • Leaders: many novel fuels are reaching commercial viability: ports willing to offer them may gain the advantage

    Pour point


    Stevie Knight finds that there is no simple path for ports looking to offer new fuels

  • Construction LNG receiving and regasification terminal will begin in late-2016

    Agreement for HiLoad LNG regasification terminal


    HiLoad LNG AS, a subsidiary of Sevan Marine, has signed a Technology License Agreement with Vires Energy Corporation for an LNG receiving and regasification terminal in the Philippines.

  • The vessels present at the event included Damen’s 100% LNG-fuelled type C tanker EcoLiner Photo: Port of Rotterdam/Marjolein Boer

    Successful end to the Rhine LNG Masterplan


    The LNG Masterplan for Rhine/Meuse-Main-Danube has been successfully completed, the culmination of which should result in more successful implementation of LNG infrastructure for the inland water transport sector.

  • Joined up: ports need to consider a more integrated security solution for 2016

    A watchful eye


    Chuck Dougherty outlines his top five must-have port security initiatives for 2016

  • Non-starter: Port of Melbourne has been left in a leasing limbo. Credit: Port of Melbourne Corp

    Mixed feelings


    Australia''s port privatisation has provoked much debate, find Dave and Iain MacIntyre

  • Try-outs: the call of the CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin was a test of West Coast infrastructure

    Welcome sight


    Publicity stunt or forward planning, the arrival of CMA CGM''s megaship made history, finds Martin Rushmere

  • Out there: Port of Long Beach uses social media to raise awareness about what comes through the port

    Time to tweet?


    Some ports are more social than others, but to what end asks Felicity Landon

  • Intelligent: Port of Santos uses a smart port logistics system. Credit: Claus Bunks Flickr

    Doing more with less


    ValenciaPort Foundation''s Jonas Mendes Constante and Miguel Llop talk technology

  • Tied in: Tacoma's (pictured) and Seattle's pairing works on a number of fronts

    Happy couple


    Martin Rushmere explains why the alliance of Tacoma and Seattle is working out so well

  • News

    Feeling the pain in Asia


    COMMENT: Global trade for the first eleven months of 2015 has at best been flat, but of those, eight months were negative or had no growth. The next six months are likely to be similar in nature, writes Ben Hackett.

  • Possible value in integrating port and industrial development Credit: Flickr ????

    Integration key to development


    COMMENT: In many countries, port development and the development of, often adjacent, sites for industrial activities is traditionally done by different, state-owned entities, writes Peter de Langen.

  • Making his mark: Governor Andrew Cuomo wants his legacy to include infrastructure. Credit: Diana Robinson

    Dancing to a different tune


    COMMENT: Ports need to be making soothing noises, not just loud noises, about their importance, writes Barry Parker.

  • The new inland waterway barges will be equipped with Wärtsilä power

    Wärtsilä power for LNG barges


    A series of 15 110m inland waterway barges being built for Belgium based Plouvier Transport, to be chartered by Shell Trading Rotterdam (Shell), will be powered by Wärtsilä dual-fuel main engines.

  • News

    Australian port union leaders must 'get real'


    The worsening industrial situation at Australia’s ports has prompted the Australian Logistics Council (ALC) to call on maritime union leaders to “get real” and abandon their “excessive and unsustainable wage and condition claims”.

  • News

    New bulk and container terminal for Pisco


    Peru''s National Port Authority (APN) has approved the technical report put forward for the construction of the new Terminal Portuario General San Martín in Pisco, which has been put together by concessionaire Terminal Portuario Paracas S.A. (TPP).

  • Strikes at the Port of Lisbon have been called off, as an agreement has been reached Credit: Juntas

    Unions call off Lisbon port strikes


    Strikes by stevedores at the Port of Lisbon have been called off, as an agreement has been reached between the port authority and the Stevedores Union of Central and Southern Portugal. The announcement was made by the Maritime Minister, Ana Paula Vitorino, who referred to the deal as “a social ...

  • APM Terminals' acquisition of Grup TCB shuts out Chinese Credit: CEphoto, Uwe Aranas

    APMT TCB acquisition shuts out Chinese


    APM Terminals'' acquisition of the Grup TCB will effectively prevent Cosco or China Merchants establishing a foothold in the Port of Valencia.